Monday, November 23, 2015

Manna for the Day

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"Do you not know that you are the temple of God?" (1Cor.3:16, NKJV).

Sin makes us lose the divine truth of our lives. Sin is a spiritual leprosy that comes to people when they take their eyes off God and keep their eyes on anything other than Him who is the One and only One who is always worthy of our beholding at all times. When spiritual leprosy breaks out in a person, his flesh will lose out the realization that it belongs to the body and therefore may get cut off from the living body to be destroyed without life forever. Here the man of God apostle Paul was asking the believers, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God?", because many were acting as though the spiritual leprosy of sin has broken out in them to make their spiritual and physical body unresponsive to the life of God that was flowing through the Spirit of God as he being used as a channel of God to bring the stream of life of heaven. As much as sin is experiential and brings death to the life of God, God's truth is experiential and bring the purity of heaven's life, joy, peace and righteousness of God in to our life and body. When sin lures you and tempts you to give in to selfish and lustful desires, remember it is not worth the time, health and the after effects that will cause us to grieve about it later. As God's child in Christ Jesus, understand that God is not just in heaven watching over you, but rather He is living within you as you have become the temple of God which was made with His own hands. If you are conscious of God's life, sin which leads to death will not overpower you but rather will flee away from you. There is no cure for spiritual leprosy except to look upon God and ask for His mercy and grace to be shown to us, so that we might again become revived with God's heavenly life and become conscious of that life of God's Presence within rather than momentary fleeting pleasures of sin and death that destroy us. May this be our prayer today to God from our heart, 'O God of all life, turn my eyes towards you and cause your heavenly life to drive all the earthly sins which lead to death away from me in all areas where it dwells and causes destruction in my relationship with you. Amen!'

"As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Ps.103:12, NKJV).

Do you know that because the earth rotates with a very high speed in its axis, east and west never meets. So what does it mean when God metaphorically says, "as far as the east is from the west?," it means to a unknown infinite distance. So God is simply saying that to a unknown infinite distance that one's mind cannot perceive, so far He has removed our sins far away from us in Christ Jesus. O Glory Hallelujah! I believe God has scientifically revealed to us who are a technological generation to understand this truth because in today's times, transgression which are sins that are knowingly and unknowingly committed are so huge to list it, that God foreknew it and assures us that He does not count against us all those rebellious things that we have done and sometimes do against Him, but rather as a loving father has mercy on his children and pities them, so does our Heavenly Father God has already chosen to forgive and forget all our sinful shortcomings that fall short of the glory of God for which are called. Have you ever realized that because God has punished Jesus Christ His Son for our sins, He has nothing more to punish us with? That is why the real good news of the Gospel is, you past, present and future sins are all forgiven by God once and for all time in Christ Jesus, when you believed Him and received Him as your Lord and Savior. When you know that you are forgiven already even for something that you have not yet done in rebellion, no sin shall ever have dominion over you. This is the reason Jesus said, once He sets you free from sin, you are forever free. This is what apostle Paul called as spiritual union with God, where you are made one with God in your spirit with His Spirit when you are born again, then nothing in all the universe can separate you from His Love for eternity ahead. God has lavished his love on you eternally in Christ Jesus, your sins are forgiven you for His name sake, so rejoice in His love and live for Him forever. If there is nothing new to praise God each morning and night you feel, remember that all your sins are forever forgiven and that includes your past, present and even future sins as well, and that is worth praising all morning and night as long as you are alive and well, and even for eternity ahead. May this be your prayer today, 'Thank you Lord for assuring and ushering me the gift of forgiveness of all sins, and thus giving me a clean slate of forgiveness to live righteously with a clean conscience to serve you and be rewarded for eternity ahead!' Amen...Praise the Lord!

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Heb.13:8, NKJV).

What Jesus has been when he was on earth with compassion, mercies, forgiveness, love, justice, miracles, signs, wonders and healing, even today he is the same except that He sitting in heaven. As He is praying to the Father and intercedes for us and reaching out to us all with God's answer and guidance through the Holy Spirit, He can be personally with all humans at all times as their Master, Savior and best friend. If Jesus would have stayed here on earth, this wonderful privilege of being guided by God the Holy Spirit personally as our spiritual teacher and comforter would not have been available to us. It is for our good that Jesus has gone before the throne room of our Father in Heaven to stand before Him as our Advocate to speak on behalf of us and receive His favor to give to us back on earth. Thank you Jesus! Because Jesus speaks on behalf of us, no matter where we are in our spiritual lives, still we can hope for the best and say that the best is still to come, as Jesus through His blood appeals before the Lord God our Father, he has never ever failed to avail all available benefits to all who come through Him. From gutter most to the utter most all have God's blessing ready to avail through Jesus Christ our Lord, so are you availing all the spiritual blessings that are available in the heavenly places to rule over the spirit-realm in Jesus name for the Glory of God? Are you keeping your conscience clean by confessing your sins as soon as possible to God and are staying close to our Heavenly Father's heart? Are you expecting by faith great miracles to happen in your life and others lives through you? Remember, Jesus is the same in benevolence now and in the ages to come to all who come to Him in faith! Have faith, all things are possible to those who have faith!

"Beloved, now we are children of God." (1John 3:2, NKJV).

One of the greatest privilege God has given to us through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ is the opportunity for us to become the children of God. We were enemies of God by our sin nature, but because of His great love towards us, he showed His mercies to not only forgive our sins and forget it altogether by accepting the sacrifice of what the sinless Christ Jesus has done on our behalf, but also along with that He has also sealed us with the Holy Spirit and had thus guaranteed to us through Him that now we are God's children and we will all be redeemed by Him in our glorious body to live in a joyful, peaceful and righteous relationship and friendship with Himself soon one day to live in that glorious state for eternity ahead. Today because we have become the children of God, we do not grieve much for losing our loved ones who are in Christ because, they actually do not die but go on to live with God our Father in that perpetual state of rest in Him in heaven so that we will soon meet our loved ones. Hence knowing this truth we should not grieve as other unbelievers do who have no hope when they lose a love one, but actually rejoice when some one joins with our other loved ones in heaven with whom we will all soon have a happy and a joyful reunion to have fellowship and intimacy with God forever and ever. Now our focus must be to please our Father in heaven each day by trusting in His unconditional love, forgiveness and cleansing to serve Him with all our heart and seek more and more of His kingdom and right way of living until one day we will die, but yet go on to live with our Heaven Father forever in His joyful and peaceful Presence forever. The day a human is born, he lives to meet death one day so that mortality is not how as much as when which matters when we live on earth. But because in Christ Jesus we as God's children have found a glorious hope of eternal life which has no mortality, we are not concerned when we will die, but rather how we live, with what quality of life we will live to please our Father God in heaven who enjoys us when we enjoy Him fully. God does not find our desire for joy more, but rather less that is why we live a poor quality of life. So seek intensely the joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Spirit more and more now, to live a abundant life of the Kingdom of God which always pleases our Heavenly Father and excites Him to make us swim in His joy always more and more. If ever you want to make a resolution, make it now to live in God's joy hundred percentage of time.

"He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." (Is.53:3, NKJV).

Many people ask when troubles come without deeply thinking, 'Where is God when it hurts?' Actually God sending Jesus the only begotten Son of God to this earth as a perfect human is to make every man understand that God is with all humans in all their troubles, sorrows and griefs. Jesus was the only person who had the ability to decide and design how he could be born, where he could be born, when he could be born, etc...None of us humans ever have a opportunity for us to decide like Jesus because Jesus was God in the eternity past and was God when be became human and is now God over our lives now and forever. The only thing that made him look so normal as any other human being was that He left His Glory in heaven and came to this earth as a bond slave of God voluntarily to understand everyone of us and have compassion on us who go through all the troubles of life. Even the poorest of the poor have a better place to be born, but Jesus Himself chose the manger to show and identify Himself with all those who suffer in this life. Jesus was despised and rejected by his fellow country men because he spoke the truth and lived it, and thus became a man who understood what rejection means by trusting and living for God, and was very much familiar with grief going through the trouble of losing his earthly father at a very early teen age after which the whole responsibility to take care of the whole family came upon him. So instead of asking, 'Where is God when it hurts?', we should rather say, 'Through all my hurts, My God Jesus is with me to teach me how to rejoice, pray and give thanks to God to overcome all my trouble just like Him!' O what a difference it makes when we begin to think like Jesus and live with a overcoming attitude of faith which will make us wade through the troubles of life joyfully with the strength of heavenly grace that He is ready to provide to us if we can believe and live in faith which pleases God always without fail. God in his providence wants people to be tested in order for us to be trusted, if we willingly go through the tests of life and maintain our positive attitude of faith, God will bless us and will therefore trust us with all great reward, power and glory now and forever in the days to come. Are you ready? You are asking me for what, for greater altitude of living in God's blessing through greater attitude of faith!

Much Blessings....

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