Monday, November 29, 2021

Manna For The Day:

Manna For The Day :

"He will not allow your foot to be moved." (Ps.121:3, NKJV).

If our feet are grounded on the rock or on a stable base, we can be confident of facing whatever happens around us. When our foot are moved, we cannot be sure of facing anything in life. But thank God and praise Him that He has promised us, that He will not allow our foot to be moved.

There is a place where God allows things to happen for our own spiritual and eternal good, but as far as God is concerned, in this case of physical well being for us to work for the Glory of God, he does not even want to allow us to be moved or shaken. In the words of John Wesley the mighty man of God, he said, 'Until my work on this earth is done, I am immortal. But when my work for Christ is done ... I go to be with Jesus.' The same applies to everyone of us who believe in the promises of God from the Bible just like John Wesley.

Yesterday I heard about a news of a earth quake that a man expressed in his own words saying, 'I heard a loud noise early in the morning, I felt a little jerk and then I went out to see who has disturbed me and as it was dark I did not find anyone and I came back in to my house and slept again. But when I heard in the television news a little while after that, they informed us about the earth quake that happened in our area, exactly at that time only I was able to realize that the spooky thing that I experienced in the morning was a earthquake.' I believe that the God who has predicted that earthquakes will be the visible sign of the end of the world government, has also promised that He will not allow our foot to be moved, He is able to keep us alive and well for the Glory of God. No plagues can touch us or our family as God is keeping a watch over us as we believe His promises! The grace of God keeps us alive, while the mercy of God shines upon us as we believe His promises.

Pray With Me Saints:

"Dear Lord, Help me to be pleasing to you and keep believing the promises. O Heavenly Father, thank you for your sovereign hand that protects me, and that you have not even chosen to allow me to be shaken or my foot to be moved all the time. Truly you are my God and I will believe you and your promises all the day of my life! Thank you God and I will praise you for your concern towards me, my family and your people around the world. Let your Kingdom come and thy will be done as it is in heaven. Amen!"

God Bless You!