Saturday, October 20, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

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"Rapture is not an escapist message but rather a comforting message to the Church to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ during the end time." — Abraham Israel

"Rapture of the Church is not a man-made theory or a joke created to keep the Church artificially excited and alive, but rather it is a promise of Jesus Christ to keep it from the unprecedented worldwide Tribulation that is coming to the whole earth during the end of the world system of governance as a judgment upon it for its sin and selfishness of life, and as the sign of the new age of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church that is coming to rule it for the Glory of God." — Abraham Israel

"When we fight with people, we cannot fight with the devil that wants us to fight physically and lose spiritually. God wants us to fight spiritually and overcome things that act against us physically for His Glory." — Abraham Israel

"We fight spiritually against invisible enemies to OVERCOME the physical resistance in our own soul and in others around us through continual prayers against the POWERS, PRINCIPALITIES who reside and restrain us from the heavenlies constantly, to keep us from ESTABLISHING and ENJOYING the KINGDOM OF GOD on earth as it is in heaven." — Abraham Israel

"When we willingly give ourselves to carry the cross that God gives us, the cross gives us the supernatural grace to experience God within us, upon us, around us and through us, in a face to face encounter which make our head knowledge of God through his Word become a living reality of our heart, soul, life and body." — Abraham Israel

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