Saturday, November 21, 2015

Apostolic Quotes

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"There are two ways to succeed in life, one is try yourself until you succeed, other is try and at the same time commit and entrust it fully to the Lord to work along in partnership with Him to see His plans for our life succeed at the end. The first success may materially prosper us but it is very much temporal, but the second one we achieve with the Lord will prosper us spiritually, soulishly, physically, financially, socially and in whatever way of existence we are present in this life and in the life to come. Whatever we do in this life is for us to get trained to act with the Lord in the life to come, so don't miss the Lord in this life and miss out His reward in the next. True success in life is eternal in nature and not just temporal!" — Abraham Israel

"Only animals have horizontal view point to look maximum at others, themselves and the earth in which they are present to survive, because all of them were made for humans. But we humans are not created for ourselves but for God, so we do not just have horizontal view point only but also we have the vertical view point to lift up our heart to the heavens to see the glory of God and have intimacy with God. May we never forget to lift up our head to God in heaven through Christ Jesus, so that we will not just live an animal existence but a divine supernatural existence to train ourselves now to live with God in the life to come. Earthly living is just a training ground and period for our future heavenly living with God, so practice it daily!" — Abraham Israel

"Those things that which we have committed in to the hands of God are the only things that will remain with us to the end forever and ever." — Abraham Israel

"When you are down to nothing as a enemy and a sinner against God in your past life, God reached out to you in His everlasting Love in Christ Jesus and saved you from sin unconditionally, and through him have forever extended his hand of friendship towards you for eternity ahead. Now it is up to you to realize that great sacrificial Love unchanging and run to Him when ever you are with any problems that pulls you to the lowest. God's hand has never been shortened in your life, but think over whether you have extended your hand towards him to lift you up from all your lowest to the highest where He always is?" — Abraham Israel

"Faith is stepping in to God's ability to take care of us by leaving the comfort zone of taking care of ourselves with what we have. For those who believe what they do not see, God provides what they see as a reward for believing Him and His ability to provide! Dare to believe God and live supernaturally!" — Abraham Israel

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