Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ : "Little available things willingly placed in the Hand of God becomes mighty things that shakes the world with amazement of God's greatness." — Abraham Israel

"Repentance does not mean to stop sinning but to change our mindset to acknowledge that we sin and therefore need Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord to seek God for forgiveness and overcoming power. Nobody stops sinning in one degree or another till we die and are free from our sin nature forever afterthat." — Abraham Israel

"Just because we have overcome sin in some specific area doesn't mean that we should use the same scale to measure others to determine whether they are saved or not. We should never forget that we overcome specific sin by God's grace which is a gift and not wages we have earned from God." — Abraham Israel

"Even if salvation of my soul is the only things I have got from God and nothing more, I have more than enough reasons to be thankful and grateful to God for eternity ahead. Because forgiveness of sins is the costliest thing in the entire universe that God Himself have to give His only costliest and dearest begotten Son to pay for it." — Abraham Israel

"The costliest doubt a man can ever make for which there is regret and torment that follows it for eternity ahead is to doubt whether Jesus is really the Son of God, in other words whether He is God who can save me from my sins?" — Abraham Israel

"It is one thing to hear the word, but it is another thing altogether to believe. Because those who believe the word of God will see the power of God working on their behalf. The word of God is concealed in power and the moment you open it by believing it, you are unwrapping the power that gives you life abundance. Believe and Live the word of God day by day, and you will see heaven working on your behalf." — Abraham Israel

"Thankfulness and gratefulness are the crucible in which all miracles of God are wrought." — Abraham Israel

"You can only be as powerful as your prayer life is at present." — Abraham Israel

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