Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Apostolic Interpretation

Apostolic Interpretation :

"The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." (Psa 34:7).

Even though one third of the angels fell in to the prideful sin of Satan and rebelled against God, still two third of the majority of innumerable number of angels are working on the side of God and are obeying his command to execute His will and purpose for our lives.

Angels are the intermediate creation of God, that means, when God started with the third heaven to create a throne, His intention was to end with creating the earth and putting humans in it. Inbetween these two, angels were created to assist humankind in finding God and also serve in whatever way God has planned for all His creation both visible and invisible.

So these angels protect us from danger, convey the message of God to our heart, make us draw near to God, strengthen us when we are weak both physically and spiritually, fight against fallen angels who do evil against us from being executed through our prayer to God, etc...Satan and his cohorts already filled with pride, did not like the idea of God for them to serve humans which are lower creation in the natural, but higher creation in the supernatural realm of the spirit.

So Satan being the tempter of humankind and adversary of God, has ever since the creation of all humans, has been actively working to kill, steal and deastroy their lives completely, both physically and eternally. Religion is one of the way, in which Satan keeps people away from finding their true Creator God and Father of their spirit.

But when Jesus the Creator of all humankind, came to this earth by incarnation and a true avatar of human, through his birth, life, death and resurrection, He has opened up a direct channel to heaven and have pioneered a living way to talk to God and live with him in His holiness.

When we live with God and for God, life of God begins to flow through Jesus and He gives more abundantly all the needs in our life, in His way and in His time and increase our faith to live supernaturally till we see God face to face! Hallelujah! Glory to God! O what a privilege to find our Father in heaven, and learn to live and serve Him in love, hope and faith! Peace and Joy be multiplied to you dear Saints!

"It is in humans finding God and serving Him voluntarily in love, that the real purpose of all angels get fulfilled, and that is why for one sinner that repents, God and all the angels in heaven rejoice!" — Abraham Israel

Much Blessings...

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