Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Apostolic Quotes

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"To be anxious is to forget that God is in control of our lives and suddenly turn and focus on the problems we face to make it become bigger than God. To let fear influence us instead of faith make us anxious to think what might be the result that might come, (i.e.) whether it will be beneficial or detrimental to the problems we are facing. Faith declares that because God is in control, no matter what result will come out of it, God is able to work it all to become a eternally good inheritance and blessings unimaginable to us and our family, and all the people who are connected to us at the end of it all. To help us stand in faith, God has given a choice to pray and recharge the strength of our faith so that we might not have to be anxious and be led in to taking poor decisions to be paralysed by fear which might affect our destiny which God has given to used fully for the Glory of God. Faith overcomes fear and seals us with the victory that we are looking forward to by the help and partnership with God. God is the most glorified when we are unshaken and remain unscathed by fear and anxiety that comes to test our faith and prove it before God, angels and all others humans. Faith overcomes fear because fear fears faith alone. Hallelujah!" — Abraham Israel

"God cannot be mocked, what a human sows that will he also reap. We cannot sow a bad seed and expect a good harvest. When we think good towards others, ourselves and our environment, we are releasing a good vibration of positivity and love towards them. Every good things that comes from God will bless us and be a blessing towards every one that it touches. The whole creation of God is groaning because of sin and sickness and death, in the midst of it, God has given us the sons of God in Christ Jesus the power to bless and take the curse out of the atmosphere where we are in. So every seed of God will be a wheat of usefulness to God and His Kingdom, every son of God is intentionally sown in to the world by God to bear fruit and produce more seeds of usefulness. This world system of governance is like a threshing floor of God, where through the winds of adversity God seperates the good seeds from the bad ones, the worthless things from the useful things he will seperate them through this earthly life, and at the end will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. Above all, at the end of time the sons of God will inherit the Kingdom of God eternally and will continue to enjoy God and His Presence to serve Him and fellowship with one another for the rest of the eternity ahead! Check whether what comes out of you towards others and the society at large is good or bad or even evil, if it is any thing other than good, then it is time up to look in to us to see whether we have become the child of God first and have begun to master over sin to be a good vessel of God as long as we live. Only those who act as useful wheat of God belong to Him, the rest will rest without peace as they will be burnt eternally in torment. Why torment? Because something that does not fulfill God's purpose remains as something to be burnt for in the will of God. When we live for God and His purpose, we cannot have fear of torment, because the Love of God abides in us and therefore we love Him and live for Him. Hallelujah" — Abraham Israel

"If at the end of the day after all we have done, if it is not all about Christ, then whatever has happened becomes useless for eternity! The motives behind the work we do for God must be right before the motion of the work we have done becomes useful for us and brings glory to God. Eternal reward is not something we do for ourselves, but rather it is what God does for us recognizing what we have done for Him. We all come to inherit the salvation through our belief, but what we have done for God after our salvation by faith will decide the level of glory, authority and honor we will hold in the days to come. Rewards that are eternal from God are invaluable because it is going to stay with us for eternity, that is why Jesus advised the Church to not long for a earthly reward but a heavenly eternal one by being a overcomer for the Glory of God. If we are short sighted, then we are wrong sighted. If we are long sighted, then we are right sighted in the Kingdom of God which gives the priviledge of having a perfect twenty twenty vision as a gift for us which cures our eye ailments. The way we see God through everything we do for Him will make us see this life in the right perpective of heaven in which God wants us to see it to be rewarded eternally! Hallelujah." — Abraham Israel

"If at the end of the day after all we have done, if it is not all about Christ, then whatever has happened becomes useless for eternity! The motives behind the work we do for God must be right before the motion of the work we have done becomes useful for us and brings glory to God. Eternal reward is not something we do for ourselves, but rather it is what God does for us recognizing what we have done for Him. We all come to inherit the salvation through our belief, but what we have done for God after our salvation by faith will decide the level of glory, authority and honor we will hold in the days to come. Rewards that are eternal from God are invaluable because it is going to stay with us for eternity, that is why Jesus advised the Church to not long for a earthly reward but a heavenly eternal one by being a overcomer for the Glory of God. If we are short sighted, then we are wrong sighted. If we are long sighted, then we are right sighted in the Kingdom of God which gives the priviledge of having a perfect twenty twenty vision as a gift for us which cures our eye ailments. The way we see God through everything we do for Him will make us see this life in the right perpective of heaven in which God wants us to see it to be rewarded eternally! Hallelujah." — Abraham Israel

"He died for us so that we can positively choose to live for the Glory of God!" — Abraham Israel

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