Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

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"God has no qualms to stay silent and not show Himself openly to you, because He wants you to be more blessed than those who have seen and have believed!" — Abraham Israel

"Spiritual doctrines are only helpful as long as it leads us to the spiritual doctor Jesus Christ, who heals us of sins disease and also comforts our soul to relieve it of its evil effect whenever it tries again to eat up the abundant life of heaven out of us. There is no cure for the cancer of sin, except look with hope for the care of the risen Savior who gives us victory over it by His blood which is the only ointment which heals every types of sickness and disease of the soul that affects us, afflicts us and makes us impotent from fulfilling the purposes of God. For every dark cloud, there is a silver lining God has hidden within it, for every betrayal there is a trustworthy helper God has put within us to comfort and strengthen, for every hard road God has a vehicle pre-arranged for us to appear in His time for us to travel through it. For every one who says it is impossible, God makes us to realize by faith that for them it is impossible but for us it is possible because of Him being with us. God has not left you as orphan, but rather has put you in a spot because He knows that the power He has put within you is able to handle it through you until you are glorified in Him. Remember, God only puts the champions on the line of battle, because He knows that only they can break out of it every time and also carry it to others around them the good news of liberty to keep them in liberty for His Glory!" — Abraham Israel

"Not only prayer brings blessings, but the very act of prayer in itself is a blessing because the very presence of God that burdens us with our prayer is the very God who brings the answer to it. Being sure of the answer that He is going to bring, God gives to Himself the sacrifice of praises and joy through our prayer beforehand, so that it will glorify Him and at the same time will gladden our heart through the journey of faith! Prayer is indeed a blessing!" — Abraham Israel

"Thankfulness is that which that makes us who we are spiritually, without which we become a taker with out regards for the Maker, taker of gift taken for granted without the granter considered, a consumer without paying the price tag of the concerned, a self that is focused on survival rather than the One who makes us all survive. God has instructed us to be thankful for all things, because our spiritual growth will be directly proportional to the thankfulness we inculcate in our lives through discipline, and learning it by and by, more and more through practice of remembering to be thankful. We should be thankful at all times, in all situations, for all things so that the holy name of our Lord God might be glorified through our lives." — Abraham Israel

"God allows double dose of trouble only to those whom He want to give double dose of favor for now and for eternity ahead. If you have gone through unusual trouble, God has a special blessings of double waiting for you. Betrayals, bondage, broken heart, broken life and health, belittlement that caused shame, etc...are for a season, the eternal joy that is coming your way is something that makes you a eternal excellency. Don't give up faith and never be discouraged, years of His favor are waiting for you ahead to enjoy! God is able to take you to the destiny of His promise because only He knows the double trouble that you have chosen to bear without grumbling or grudge in order to please Him as his dearly beloved child of His destiny." — Abraham Israel

.•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° [ www.apostolicrevelation.info ] °¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤°

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