Thursday, January 21, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

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"Grace is not just a cliche we say to define the grace of salvation we received through faith, but rather it is something we experience in our weakness and unworthy state, where the power of grace strengthens us and makes us overcomers which in turn helps us realize how indebted we are to love God and serve Him loyally the rest of our lives." — Abraham Israel

"It is not the position we pray that matters to God, but the position of the attitude of our heart that really matters. Who is seated as the president in our heart matters to God, if it is self that which considers iniquity and cherishes sin in our heart, then that prayer cannot even move above our head and beyond our ceiling as it will come back to us. But when God is not only the resident but also is seated as the president within us, our prayers are so valuable and precious that even if our sound doesn't come out, even the thoughts of our prayers moves billions of miles in a fraction of a second to reach the very throne of God as we do it all with a heart submission before Him. In all your prayers, pray from your heart, that is the key to prayers that are heard by God!" — Abraham Israel

"What God says in His Word that usually comes to us through His servants must be evaluated by the Word revealed in the Bible to know how much of it is true and perfect, we should not do vice-versa and dare to evaluate the Word of God which is the Bible by the word of God's servants taken as a absolute to hold on to it. Such foolishness will destroy the leaders and their followers. That is why when it comes to sheep fold, they say that a follower can know only as much as his leader knows and they can go only as far as their leader goes. We should never become dumb sheep of someone, but rather be a bright and brilliant follower of Jesus Christ who is our Chief Shepherd who reveals Himself through the Word of God in the Bible newly day after day from which we hear His Voice and follow Him." — Abraham Israel

"One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all, one people, one brotherhood, one desire, one purpose, one Blood, one in all, all in one, one for all, all for one, one universal Church, one Body many members, One head, one Gospel, One salvation, all serve One, one serve all, anything more than this is divisive for the Body of Christ and is not from God but rather is from the evil One who tries to pull the Church down to the world. Remember, we are in the world, not of the world, and that means all our attitude, desire, character, purpose, existence should be to be conformed to the very image of Jesus Christ, and to constantly say no to all the attitudes of this world that tries to divide the one blood bought Church of Jesus Christ. God loves all colors, creeds, cultures and races equally, but the Lord's treasure is His people whose souls are being trained from being a dry meaningless world to be a beautiful watered Kingdom garden of all different colors, shapes and beauties of his own choosing. So better to change now, than to be taken by surprise in heaven then!" — Abraham Israel

"The very consciousness that our dear and just God is watching over us as His dear children, making us walk in His righteous, holy and zealous ways, and also at same time seeing those who use worldly wisdom of a fox, hate, envy, crooked ways to deceive us and hurts us indirectly, with arrogance full of pride, prejudice, etc...actually gladdens our heart and gives us the strong and deep assurance that though we might be alone physically, yet not alone really because God is spiritually with us and is watching over us perpetually and is strengthening us to solve all our problems that come to us instigated by the enemy of our soul through faith and patience. Thus we do not sink so low to hate people, but hate with perfect hatred the demons of bad attitude that work behind those people. Instead we bless people by decreeing over them in our prayer time by God's authority the blessing of God, so that the demons behind the person might be defeated through the power of God and the retribution of God's blessing might come to us for the valiant spiritual victory over the evil forces. Our blessing of God's unusual favor over us after our test is our reward, and for the people used by the enemy being delivered from the delusion is their blessing that we should rejoice as our blessing too after it all." — Abraham Israel

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