Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Apostolic Quotes

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"No matter how big or small the obstacles we face in our spiritual journey, as long as we keep our eyes on the Lord, we will reach our destiny that God has prepared for us beforehand to fulfill in this life, and hence inherit a mighty reward for it in the life to come. Keep your eyes in between the start and end of your faith on Jesus who is actually the author and also the finisher of your faith, He is able to keep you safe from drowning of worry and unbelief by His supernatural power to stay afloat to reach your heavenly destination!" — Abraham Israel

"God is always willing to give you a spirit of praise and might even prompt you to praise Him within your spirit-man, but unless you give a voice for it through your tongue and mouth to speak praises towards God in words, you cannot really glorify God. The Bible always speaks of cries and noises of praise, adoration and worship in heaven. That clearly shows that God wants your life on earth to be a heaven with His praise. God is able to make even lifeless stones cry out His praise, but because of His unconditional and infinite love towards you and me who have been created in His own image, He wants us to praise Him and glorify Him." — Abraham Israel

"God is like a pencil maker, who actually has made us to write great scripts that makes great destinies, if we will actually allow Him to hold us in His way, accept His sharpening from time to time and continue to understand that we are made for this purpose which can only make us script destinies in this small lifetime that God has given each of us individually for His Glory. God's power of forgiving and forgetting our past mistakes works in each of us and is readily available to us through the Blood of Jesus, so that we need not bewail about our past, but rather rejoice that we have been positioned by God in Jesus with the ability to make our past be utilized by God to be positively be more accurately sculpted in God's image which gets settled in us for eternity ahead, so that what gets settled inside of us could become our glory and our personal possession of treasure for eternity ahead. So when things go hard and you feel like you do not want to continue doing what you are doing, just rejoice and remember that you are made to serve God and man in love, and part of the service is when we are sharpened to become a better person of service to both." — Abraham Israel

"The secret to all of life's real contentment is in knowing that we are special, unique, gifted with special talents to change and bless many people, different looks, unique culture and tradition, to bring awesome wisdom and joy by our close relationship with our Maker that will bring change eternal to our own selves and through us to others around us. We have unique qualities, traits and character that we have that no other person in this world have so uniquely. Because God loves us unconditionally apart from who we are and what we look like, it shows that God looks at us with pleasure in what He has created us to be. You have the responsibility and the power to change the way you are as it is in your hands to think the way God thinks towards you, therefore you ought to think towards yourself the way God sees and thinks towards you. God has his thoughts towards you in the secret place of His mind even before universe came in to existence, you are placed on earth with His own purpose to change the world around you. God wants to laugh, cry, jump, feel your sadness and happiness, love, encourage, share, teach to build you for a eternal relationship with Himself. But that is possible full only as much as we come in to close relationship with Jesus Christ through whom we excel, succeed and enjoy in God's ordained way through what He has already done for us. You are treasured, entrusted and loved above all things created by your Creator who is greater than all things. You are awesome and valued because He has awesomely valued you, and therefore who you are is not based on what you have been or what you have or even what you do, but rather for whom you are made to be!" — Abraham Israel

"It is one thing to face adversity but it is totally another thing to turn our adversity in to an eternal opportunity to become who God has planned us to be in Christ Jesus through it all. God never takes us through a tunnel that doesn't have a exit, so the one most important thing we have to do through the ordeal we face is to look in to the face of the Lord and trust Him that He will bring us out at the right time. Remember, that those who look in to God's face will become bright and rest in Him like as a baby, because they will understand that it is for their eternal good that God has taken them through such temporal tunnel experiences that bring eternal dividend. You can never learn to trust God more and more deeply, unless you pass through the dark tunnel experiences of life! So let go of yourself and let God take control." — Abraham Israel

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