Saturday, January 31, 2015

Apostolic Quotes

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"If you have been thinking that you are an ordinary man or woman and what big thing can be done for God by such a small me, you are in for a surprise because God has already chosen you to do big things for His Glory in His Kingdom. It is not based on how big or small you are that God uses you, but He chooses to use you to show everyone how big He is when all others around you see how small and insignificant person you are before their eyes as you see yourself in the natural. You now need a paradigm shift in your thinking to know who you really are, you are God's chosen child who has a very big God who is pleased to do extraordinary things through ordinary person just like you, so that He get all the glory for choosing you to use you. By believing His infinite ability allow yourself to lose your inability and experience the ultimate works of God in His enablement as He works out His will through you by His supernatural ability. You cannot lose yourself too much when what you have lost is for God who returns all things more than you can ever gain for what you have lost!" — Abraham Israel

"Looking to the Word of God will enlighten you about the unending and blessed world to come in which there is no death, sorrow, crying but rather only joy, peace, righteousness in the Holy Spirit, looking to the present world will only depress you because there are more chaos than ever, more questions than ever, more sufferings than ever, more evils done than ever, more deceptions than ever, more perversions than ever, more discouragements than make our life a living hell. Focus on the eternal and receive the benefit of the eternal in this present temporal time of our short stay on earth as a bonus from God to live a victorious life for the Glory of God!!!! You can never lose excitement to live in this present life when you are looking forward, but there is everything to lose when you look backward or all around. Keep your eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone who is the author and finisher of your faith in the future world which supplies present benefits for all those who look to it by believing for inspiration to live godly and prosperously by the power of the far away world in this present one!" — Abraham Israel

"The Lord will greatly bless us and our family when we expect Him to bless us because of His promises that are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus, God always loves to honor and prove Himself to all those who trust in His eternal unchanging promises. God is excited every time He sees us believing His promises which proves our love and devotion to Him, and then starts to celebrate over us on earth and in heaven to show to everyone including angels of how we as His child are holding on to Him through His promises as He is holding us in His everlasting arms of Love." — Abraham Israel

"Joy is the fragrance of heaven with which you can now become scented all over you and your life if you choose not to concentrate on your circumstances which will depress you, but rather on the goodness of the God who holds you in all circumstances of life without allowing you to be broke because of never allowing anything in your life beyond your ability to handle it with His heavenly strength." — Abraham Israel

"It is one thing to receive salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ by calling on His name, but it is totally another thing to walk with Him hand in hand daily. To be saved we do not need to work on anything but just believe what Jesus has promised us by faith and we will be saved for eternity, but to walk in Him we need need to work together with Him to help us deny ourselves, take up our Cross of doing God's will daily and then valiantly face the race of faith knowing that we are yoked with Jesus. And all that we need to learn during our journey with Jesus is to understand that we need to take rest in His promises which never fails, then we need to remind ourselves that our burdens Jesus is carrying and His burden He gives to us in the will of God to make us understand His heart and grow closer in relationship with Him. We cannot bear a heavy load when we are walking with Jesus because He takes our burdens away and also give us the strength to carry His burdens which will make us enjoy each moment we walk yoked with Him as God's dear children who have sold our self voluntarily as a bond-servant of God to do God's will. Are you enjoying the rest that Jesus gives? If not, you are trying to carry your own burdens, just unburden yourself to Jesus by giving all your heaviness of your heart to Him in prayer of your heart and the talk to Him in your thoughts, then believe His promises to start enjoying His heavenly rest. You cannot be God's best until you start to live constantly in His rest!" — Abraham Israel

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