Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apostolic Quotes

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"Dreams destines our destination, so get it from God. Love leads us to experience God through us, so experience it with God. But God is the one who gives us the power to follow our dreams and also love people on the way to our destiny till we are satisfied, so have God in His fullness of both power and love, or else we will have nothing at all." — Abraham Israel

"One of the biggest reason to rejoice in the lives of all believers is because Jesus is alive and that He is in control of every part of our lives now and in the life to come. He is doing something new within us each day, as we believe Him, soon we will begin to understand the joy of heaven within us." — Abraham Israel

"Faith is the bridge between what you have lost by the trial you face and what God restores at the end of it in plenteous satisfaction from heaven. All trials come to make you praise God and know Him intimately through it all. God wants you to keep walking over the bridge until the time of your restoration comes. Those who do not take care to patiently keep walking over to the other side of the bridge will miss the glorious end by messing it up for nothing." — Abraham Israel

"For a Christian happiness is not a choice to consider, but a choice to obey the command to rejoice in the Lord always irrespective of one's circumstances. So truly to have joy which brings prolonged perpetual happiness, we need to take effort to neglect what we feel and live by what we believe!" — Abraham Israel

"If we do not see with the spiritual eyes within us and hear with our inner ears, probably we might miss what God has for us even when God has planned it all to come our way. Spiritual alignment within the will of God plays a major role in keeping us at the right place at the right time to experience the goodness of new things that God has in store for our lives. Every time you neglect your own will and say to God, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," each time you will be spiritually aligned within the exact place of seeing and hearing God heart to heart, and be led by Him supernaturally in His way and through His pathway of heaven's life." — Abraham Israel

—(••÷[( www.apostolicrevelation.info )]÷••)—

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