Thursday, September 12, 2013

Apostolic Quotes

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"Tithing is never a obligation to fulfill in order to receive more blessings, it is a thankful attitude of gratitude toward God for giving us life to live, people to love and the day to day provisions to carry on in life. Tithing is a starting point to show to God that we are keeping Him first and telling Him that we are trusting His provision and security to keep us on track for HIS GLORY. But tithing should not be done as a duty to fulfill rather it should be done out of cheerfulness for the goodness of God towards us and our family, and the Lord who sees the cheerful giver will love such a person in different ways and will bless him and his household immensely in many different ways spiritually, soulishly, physically, socially and materially. Tithing is just basic, we can carry on further with God by giving Him ourselves as a living sacrifice and a bond-servant for His holy use which will make us to fulfill His perfect will for our lives. Always learn to acknowledge to God that you are giving Him only a part of what He has already given to you and only such sacrifices will really make God happy. You cannot out-give God who gives it all for you to know Him and His love more and more." — Abraham Israel

"The commission that Jesus gave us all to go in to all the world and preach the gospel is just one half of it, the other half is to go and makes disciples of all nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that Jesus has commanded us. In other words, only as we become true followers and learning disciples of the commands of Jesus, we can fulfill the the commission that Jesus has given to us. Jesus has promised His personal presence with all His disciples in all the world to help them fulfill this commission which He has given them to fulfill." — Abraham Israel

"Because God is first and foremost love in all His essence and entirety, that is why He is good. God hates sin because it destroys human beings. God judges sin and loves sinners because His love is everlasting. Learn to rejoice always knowing that the good God who saved you from sin, will also deliver you from the power and presence of sin because He has made you His children and have called you to be His saint. God loved you so much that He has embraced you in Christ Jesus just as you are in your sinfulness, now God loves you so much that He is not ready to leave you just as you are in your sinfulness, instead God has promised not to let sin have dominion over you to defeat you completely by making you powerless against it if you let Him work. Rejoice, God is working within, if you cooperate with Him, you will see victory without! Rejoice, God is at work because He loves you continually no matter what!" — Abraham Israel

"Learn to enjoy the simple things of life because one day when you look back these may be the greatest moments of your lives journey. It is not how much you have what you want, it is how you see what you have and make it meet all the wants, that is what matters in life because God only gives you what you need so that you will realize He is all you will ever want. In short when you realize that God is present in His tangible Presence, you will be content enough in your consciousness to enjoy your time irrespective of your circumstances." — Abraham Israel

"When we break through the clouds of doubt, fear and anxiety of our soul that trouble us on this side of our earthly sphere, there is a higher place of heavenly rest beyond that where we will experience a supernatural life of God within our spirit where serenity, tranquility, peace of mind and quietness will be always present like a beautiful fresh garden beside a still water. So when each step you take for your breakthrough becomes harder and harder, remember not to stop but keep going because the view at the top is not only beautiful but is worth the effort to make you come back again and again until you get addicted enough to make your head stay in heaven and feet on earth and your hands working for God through His mighty grace. The destination is always more satisfying and worth the effort for the hardness of the journey to be remembered no more!" — Abraham Israel

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