Saturday, August 25, 2012

Apostolic Quotes

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"God allows bigger problems which cannot be handled by your own strength to be faced by you so that you can really understand the bigness of your God every time a impossibility is overcome with the possibilities of God's strength supernaturally acting through you." — Abraham Israel

"We have been given the Bible from God which is actually a bread to our spiritual life, so that by daily taking it, our heart relationship might be strengthened with the Living Bread who is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ." — Abraham Israel

"All the religions of the world are man made because it is full of contradictions within itself, but only the Bible can be said as truly inspired by God because it was given by God to 40 different writers, over a period of 1600 years, in 66 books. It contains history, prophecy, science, law, doctrine, morality, origins and human biographies, yet we do not see the slightest contradiction or disagreement or difference of opinion between all the writers in any of the subjects, thus giving irrefutable and undeniable proof that it is the direct revelation of the voice and the mind of the living God and the Creator of all humans, who has directly written it to us all for our spiritual, soulish and physical benefit. Either the Bible is true and everything else is false, or else something other than the Bible should be proved to be right for the Bible to become false. All the different religions cannot claim to be true all the same time. All the religions speak about morality and good ways to live life, but only the Bible speaks that all humans are in sin and therefore needs a new life from God, it insists that all humans should receive God's life within themselves through believing Jesus Christ in order to be saved from sin and thus receive eternal life of true relationship and intimacy with God, which is actually a gift received and not earned by any religious efforts of any kind." — Abraham Israel

"The heart of a Christian starts to burn spiritually within with the passionate fire of love and understanding about God only when the Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit starts to expound the Holy Scripture and reveal Himself through it. Burning heart succeeds hearing the voice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus spoken to us within, and the phenomena continues when we continue to hear His voice which perpetually echoes and revebrates to premeate every part of our soul when we willingly choose to obey His voice by beleiving it and casting all our preconceived ideas which had created doubt within us because of lack of spiritual insight. The one true passion of all Christians must be to read the Scripture and ask the Lord Jesus to speak and quicken it personally to themselves first and to others through them next!" — Abraham Israel

"When you have God as the prime confidence of your life's journey, it is easy to do all things through Him." — Abraham Israel

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