Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Apostolic Quotes

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"God is in the process of revealing Himself to all humans day by day to everyone who is seeking, but it cannot be really experienced by anyone unless and until they are desperate to seek him with all their heart. God deals with humans through their heart to save their soul. As long as he is sought through religion, he is far away from them, but once they choose to relate to Him through relationship with Jesus the Christ whom He has sent for all humanity to be saved from sin, He becomes a God who is closer than the breath of those who seek Him. God is pleased with our faith, rather than all our sacrifices! This is the reason, God justifies us all only through faith, but rewards us all without fail for all our sacrifices, as He is not a debtor to any human. Only Faith pleases God, after which Sacrifices rewards us!" — Abraham Israel

"God is in the process of creating a new world of amazing wonder that will outlast for eternity, in which you and me are first partakers of it by becoming a new creation of the very image of God. May God help us to renew our mind to prepare and become who we are called to be for the Glory of God. Every ounce of spiritual energy that come to us by God's grace through our faith in our day to day lives, will be multiplied and be rewarded for us eternally in which God will load us with glory at various levels to use us for eternity! What you do now for God, will make a eternal difference for you then without fail!"— Abraham Israel

"This world under the law was given to angels to watch and govern, but the world to come will be watched and governed by saints through the grace of Jesus Christ under God in which angels will serve the saints." — Abraham Israel

"We might not be able to see everything good all the time we see, but there is always something good to see and find to praise and thank God in everything we see." — Abraham Israel

"There is something good to find in everything we see, though we might not be able to find good in all things all the time. God is extremely happy when he finds people who are wise enough to recognize not only His unseen footprints but also His hand prints in everything created for His Glory." — Abraham Israel

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