Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Manna for the Day

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"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29).

Man says if I see it I will believe it. God says if you believe it you will see it. Who is right? Why should it be right? What man says is not a lie but rather it is a fact, but what God says may not be a fact but it is the truth. You may be asking then, what is the truth? The same question was asked to Jesus by the one who judged Jesus to death. Then he himself answered his own question to say that he found no fault at all with Jesus. Who on earth as a human is without fault before God and people around them? None, no not one (Eccl 7:20). But Jesus was found out to be the witness to the truth of God on earth in a human embodiment, and all those who are inclined to hear the truth will hear the voice of Jesus and will come to experience the truth of God in their lives (John 18:38, 37). Hallelujah!

In other words, truth is not a theory to be learned mentally, it is a personal experience of who God is in all His perfection. To find God in perfection makes us to inherit that perfect nature and thus become His child. From that point of time, once we have encountered the truth, it becomes a living reality in our lives. We begin to seek the truth of God more and more in Christ Jesus, to try to be perfect just as He is in order to please God with our lives on earth. There our journey and walk with God starts in our life.

God reveals His truth through His written Word and through it wants us to get sanctified to walk perfectly just like as He walked on earth in Christ Jesus. Right after that, we see two natures working within us, one the new man with the perfect nature of God made in His image and likeness, another fleshly man who has the old sinful nature of self. Then they start fighting against each other. The old sinful nature demands to see in order to believe, the new nature of God demands to believe in order to make us see a new world of possibilities for eternity ahead! In this struggle, if we feed ourselves with the promises of God, we will live in the blessedness of believing before seeing which pleases God immensely. If we feed on to our doubts because of fear, we will see but will not be able to believe and please God. So if you want to live in the heavenly blessedness of pleasing God, believe before seeing, if you want to please yourself and lose God's favor over your life, demand to see before you believe.

Let Us Pray Dear Saints:

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you for having revealed your truth to me to experience it personally through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I choose to please you and live under your favor all the time for your Glory on earth as I will be living in heaven in the future with you. Help me glorify you on earth as my Lord Jesus glorified you while He was on earth. I believe, help my unbelief. In Jesus name I pray, Amen! Praise the Lord!

Much Blessings.....

Abraham Israel I

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"Faith is to see spiritually with our heart what God has in store for us much before we see it physically, the reward of faith is to see physically with our eyes what we have only foreseen much before with our heart spiritually." — Abraham Israel

Apostolic Quotes

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"Only a positive faith filled godly person can see a opportunity in the midst of adversity, others being doubtful of God's promise because of fear will only see adversity in the opportunity that God has set up for a promotion." — Abraham Israel

"God chooses the weak, maimed and broken things of this world and uses them as His Glorious vessels of honor to shame the wise who think that only the fittest and the smartest always survive to win in life, so that no flesh might boast or glory before God." — Abraham Israel

"If you walk with God and still you are weakened in every way and every day, you are on the right track with God to be strengthened proportionately and used as His instrument in this life and in the life to come for His Glory!" — Abraham Israel

"The vision of God for our lives are as sure as the sun rise of the morning that tomorrow brings, if only we will carry our faith to the end by the strength that comes through the grace of God." — Abraham Israel

"Feed your faith through the Word of God and prayer till you reach your destiny soundly and safely. When faith leads our way, fear flees from our day and even from our nights as soon as possible." — Abraham Israel

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