Sunday, July 2, 2017

Apostolic Quotes

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"God is waiting for His Bride the Church to get ready, so that we are can notice the signs of the times and not be surprised and shocked by the sign of the greatest taking off of the planet all at one time, the Rapture." — Abraham Israel

"God is always willing to wait and help all those who wait for Him." — Abraham Israel

"The greatest miracle of life is life itself, which must make us praise and be thankful to our Creator every moment of each day of our lives." — Abraham Israel

"When you don't take you thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, then those very thoughts captivates you to the extent of causing you to sin and take you captive to its enchantment of bondage." — Abraham Israel

"Only when shame is part of the game of faith, you receive a name for the same in double honor with God. Your faith is valuable to God and so never give it up no matter what shame you face for His name!" — Abraham Israel

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