Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"When Jesus is the reason for joy of any season, the strength we carry on in to the new season will be amazingly huge to tackle all challenges and overcome all our struggles in the new season of life that is coming." — Abraham Israel

"Every bad days will follow with good days, every sad days will follow with happy days and every ugly days will be replaced with beautiful days, so live with love, hope and faith as these three are the greatest, out of it all, live to love because love satisfies when the good days of God will come once again. Look forward with confidence because the good days are the ending, until then wait for it with thanksgiving in your heart, praise in your mouth and using all that you are in your body for the glory of God! The bad days are not the end, but the good days are because God is in control of it all." — Abraham Israel

"A brand New Year is not a time to produce resolution and lose hope at the end of first month or so again, but rather it is a time of spiritual introspection and soul-searching to know our limitations and weaknesses of life and surrender it fully to God. Because only this hopeless surrender brings more freedom and liberty in the new year for a radical transformation, where we come to understand that it is not by our strength we overcome but by our weaknesses which God has promised to fill with His very supernatural strength, only then it makes us keep our head help high in double honor for the shame we have gone for all our weaknesses in the past. May we come to the reality of this new way of life and thinking, that we might come to the place where we start to boast of our weaknesses which lifts us as a spiritual success story rather than the strength that we falsely think as though it propels us forward. May we live in this humble but the most amazing reality of truth for the rest of the new year, and enjoy the peace of God that true spirituality brings!" — Abraham Israel

"Jesus does not go to the sheep market to buy sheep's to slaughter like the hireling of world religion does for their own gain and comfort, but He does go after the one lost sheep that is caught up by its wayward life of self and sin and rebellion against God, and instead carries them back in to his-fold to give life of heaven and freedom because He loves each of them individually as a person worthy of great value of infinite worth to treasure their relationship for eternity ahead." — Abraham Israel

"God emphasizes greatly in His love letter to all humans in the Bible, not to fear again and again, the reason God says this to us is to make us understand that fear is a alien thing in our body system that tries to creep in and restrain our spiritual progress. We are all the children of God in Christ Jesus, so our spiritual gene contains only faith to live by within. So learn to renew your mind with the WORD OF GOD that says, "God has only given us the spirit of love, power and of a sound mind, and never the spirit of fear which comes from the enemy of our Soul who is Satan," and do cast out the spirit of fear IN JESUS NAME when it attacks you repeatedly and wants you to think that you cannot do anything more in life. Anything that is toxic or tries to harm our body physically and make us sick is automatically resisted and thrown out by our bodies immune system so that we can live a healthy life. What does it teach us? It teaches us to do discipline our own mind and so do the same in our spiritual life to be healthy and hale, and thus glorify God through our lives here on earth! Just like a healthy heart keeps our immune high against alien particles, a clean conscience of our heart keeps itself in the Love of God which always drives away fear automatically. Praise the Lord!" — Abraham Israel

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Today's Bible Verse To Ponder Over

✞◎∂αƴ❝ṧ ฿їßℓε Ṽℯґṧℯ ✞ℴ ℙøηḓℯґ ϴṽ℮я :

"The LORD will march on as a mighty hero; He will come out with the full fury of a warrior. Then He will shout out His battle cry and crush all His enemies." (Isa 42:13, Abi's Translation).

When Jesus told us to love our enemies, we find it so hard to practice it, but the real reason he has said that is to make us wait for His timing which He has set to deliver us from all our problem. Waiting time is never wasted time, when we wait for the Lord to arise on behalf of us for all the injustice that are done to us through people and demonic agents. Do you know the hardest thing to do in spiritual life? It is nothing but waiting for the Lord to act. When we wait for the Lord the character of patience is increased in us, and faith arises as we keep praying to the Lord to do justice for all the injustice happened to us. Then when prayer goes up, faith arises and builds within us, then the Lord starts to carry us by His strength and power. As we keep focusing on the Lord and His greatness and beauty of His character that He is shaping us in to, suddenly we start to lose ourselves more and more in Him. On the other side of our soul, hopelessness may set in and doubt may arise, but when patience if fulfilled perfectly in the will of God, suddenly the Lord arises as a mighty hero and with the full fury of a warrior He will shout out His battle cry and crush all our enemies under our feet, then He congratulates us saying, 'My son/daughter you have won and your enemies are crushed under your feet.' O what a beautiful and wonderful Lord! Could you sense the goodness of Jesus? When you tell Him saying, "O Lord you did it for me!', then He will reply in this way saying to us, 'Even though I fought for you my Brother/Sister, your faith has given me the privilege and the opportunity to fight and prove my ability to you, and to all those around you, through your precious surrendered life.' Blessed Jesus!...

LET US PRAY: "Dear Heavenly Father, You are good and thank you for Jesus, whom you have sent to crush our enemies under our feet. Help us constantly rise up in faith through your Word and Pray to you constantly to keep that faith active and alive. May my faith glorify you movement by moment, In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen!"

Much Blessings....

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