Thursday, December 27, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

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"God promises a prosperous ending for all those who fear God, even though they have to wade through a rough and tough life to reach the destiny that God has designed for them beforehand to make them walk in it by faith. So never rejoice by what you harvest, but rather by what you have sown and have continued to sow in your life through tears of toil and hard work, because as time goes on in life, when others start to fail by their flesh, you will arise to succeed more and more in your life because whatever you have sown keeps coming back to you in prosperity and peace in all areas of your life, so that the latter end will be mightier than ever before to bring glory to God. For us who walk by faith, all will be well because it will end well! Guaranteed by God, executed by us, and experienced in fulfillment in perfect partnership with God by faith. Hallelujah! Even though God has not guaranteed a perfect start or perfect run, He has guaranteed a perfect finish for all those who fear Him and walk in His way according to His will in their lives through the sacrifice of faith, thankfulness and praise! So the next time you become doubtful about your own usefulness to God and others, remember and keep moving by faith, as you are being made perfect through the sum of what you do in between the start and the finish, be encouraged that when it is all added at the end of your life by God He has guaranteed a perfect finish which will make you enjoy the benefit of your earthly ride for the rest of eternity!" — Abraham Israel

"The Christ-mas is mass celebration of Christ. There can be no better Christmas than having a thankful one, because in it we realize the true meaning of what it means to experience the gift of the grace of God in the epitome of human flesh in Christ Jesus!" — Abraham Israel

"Failure is never final, success is never ending for all the children of God who are schooled in God's heavenly educational institution of faith. Faith is a miracle of heaven, conceived in the womb of human hearts when the seed of the Word of God is sown within it and nurtured to create the life of heaven on earth and change the earthly atmosphere to a heavenly one. Those who live by the power of the Word of God will always choose to stay positive in this negative world, because to them success is failure turned inside out. Those who try will never become dry, as God has set a fountain of joy to cheer you up at every corner you hit an impasse. With God working with you, nothing is impossible for you!" — Abraham Israel

"Staying positive in a negative world is not just a calling for us in Christ Jesus, it is the very basis of our faith that drives us to stand strong and see life on earth as it is in heaven." — Abraham Israel

"Only dead fishes go with the flow, those alive go with a glow against the flow." — Abraham Israel

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