Sunday, March 22, 2020

Apostolic Quotes

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"You may be a strong person today, but the way of all humans is to get depleted of it as time goes by, and they become old and strengthless. But those who inculcate their strength by faith in God as a believer, become strong and stronger in Him as time goes on because they find a supernatural strength coming to aid them in their weaknesses that will last for eternity. Truly, truly only in God alone we find eternal strength! Let your faith be always bigger than your fear, because when you are weak in yourself as a child of God, you become strong in God who becomes your everlasting strength!" — Abraham Israel

"To taste the Word of God is one thing, but to taste the God of the Word of God through it is totally another thing where heaven and earth meet together to become one in Him." — Abraham Israel

"The mission of Jesus Christ our Lord is not just to save us and take us to heaven, but rather save us to bring heaven to our hearts and surroundings on earth." — Abraham Israel

"To become aware of something is to make ourselves breakfree from the foolishness of ignorance." — Abraham Israel

"When you are free you look down mostly on the temporal earthly things, now that you are lockeddown, it is time to look up on the eternal things of God as the coming of the day of the Lord is at hand." — Abraham Israel

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