Thursday, January 9, 2020

Apostolic Quotes

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"It is never late to get saved until you yourself become a late Mr or Mrs." — Abraham Israel

"Which spiritual glasses you allow to make you see through, you will experience either heaven on earth, or hell on earth." — Abraham Israel

"No matter how perilous the times are, yet we can be holy and be able to see the glory of God in all the earth and cry, "Glory, Glory, Glory and the whole earth is filled with His Glory," or else we can choose to see all the evils in the world when we ourselves are unholy and cry about God and others around us saying, "Gory, Gory, Gory and the whole earth is filled with Gory." In Short, how we live with God in holiness will decide how we are going to see the world through God and live according to His will to fulfill His purpose for our lives and our generation. When we let lust and sin and evil to have free run and dominion over us, we will see the world in such a way we will see only the negative part of it to justify ourselves to use it for our ownselves, and thus blame others and God for the imperfection that exists in it. This is what our forefather Adam did, and we tend to do the same if we take God out of the central picture of our life. If God exists in the centre of our lives by our willing choice to let Him stay there, all the rest will revolve rightly around us to bring Glory to God!" — Abraham Israel

"Legalism through law never pleases God, but showing mercy through grace will always please God without doubt because He desires it to be demonstrated to the world time after time through our lives." — Abraham Israel

"The Lord wants us to go practically in to this broken world and learn to show mercy to save us, rather than to religiously throw unwanted works of the flesh towards God which never pleases Him." — Abraham Israel

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