Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

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"The Word became flesh in Christ Jesus to tabernacle and become one among us, so that every moment we long to experience God through His living Word of God the Bible, without fail we will draw closer to God in a living way which leads straight to the throne of God that makes us experience His loving embrace through it." — Abraham Israel

"Prosperity in the life of a Christian is an addition that increases the taste of the heavenly dish we eat, not an ingredient to measure the taste of it." — Abraham Israel

"When we look forward to live the eternal life, God adds the abundant life to the present life to make it meaningful for eternity ahead."— Abraham Israel

"Depression is the disease of the devil, while joy is the medicine that heals it. Fight the devil's disease seeking God's Presence in the midst of it all and he will flee."— Abraham Israel

"He who keeps himself under the blood of Jesus through confessing his sins to the Father God in heaven and choose to dwell in His Presence will continue to experience the Love of God in merry making with Him, and He will rejoice in it all day all month and all year long for the Glory of God. Heaven on earth is not a physical place but a spiritual experience to behold and enjoy within our heart until we enter in to heaven itself physically to make merry with God for eternity!" — Abraham Israel

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