Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

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"If the only begotten Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ Himself who is the very God of the very God could only learn obedience through suffering when he lived as a humble human one among us, what makes us think that by bypassing suffering we will be able to please God more than Him who died to save us from our sins? Do we really think that we are bigger and better than Jesus Christ? We can never be greater than our Master Jesus, but at the max, we can be like Him. Then be patient in suffering, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming where our ultimate eternal reward of a glorious body just like Jesus and the rulership glory of His Kingdom in power and authority will be let loose to be showered upon us from the abundance of His benevolence! We who are the vessels of mercy are the saved people of God, who have been saved by God so that in the eternity to come God could show his mercy and kindness upon all of us who have chosen to believe His plan through His Son Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!" — Abraham Israel

"God never demands us to do anything which He first demonstrates us and then shows to us that it is possible when we are in partnership with Him who is Almighty!" — Abraham Israel

"God loves us just the way we are, so that we can become who He wants us to be since we are his beloved children in Christ Jesus." — Abraham Israel

"Fear and stress comes to us as a by product of losing the consciousness of the Presence of God with us, in us and upon us. Strength and courage is the byproduct of believing the Word of God that says God is with us to protect us, God is in us to guide us and God is upon us to empower us to do great things for His glory. Whom will you believe? God has promised that He will never leave you, nor forsake you no matter what! Believe the promises of God always continually to enter in to the stress free and fearless world of God and His Kingdom that never ends!" — Abraham Israel

"The three HHH formula essential for being a true disciple of Jesus Christ is, honesty, humility and holiness. That is, honesty to acknowledge our sins when we sin, humility to learn from Jesus and take up our cross of losing our will to fulfill His will and finally holiness to pursue perfection even when we know that our perfection is by faith to faith and through grace to grace and from glory to glory that never ends on this side of eternity! Don't just be a Christian to warm the Church pew, but rather live as a disciple of Jesus Christ to warn the Church and warm the heart of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! A true disciple is always a good student of the Master to learn from him and become just like Him as much as possible." — Abraham Israel

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