Monday, February 4, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

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"In this world we will have troubles and sorrows in the first Adam our forefather because of his disobedience that has come upon all mortal humans like us, but the good God has reappointed and anointed Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior as the last Adam to give solutions from God's foreordained plans and purposes for all the questions of life that must be answered individually by all humans to receive the supernatural promotions in our earthly life for every endeavor of faith. Faith overcomes curses and turns it all in to a blessing individually for us, unbelief destroys God's purpose for our lives and brings curses. Choose life, and reject fear of death by faith! Every questions in life when not sought for answers from God, becomes the stumbling block to keep us in unbelief rather than live in faith. Faith pleases God, unbelief displeases Him. Choose God and reject unbelief to receive His favor always." — Abraham Israel

"Smile not because you love Jesus, but rather do it because Jesus loves you always. Your smile from your heart of love has the power to change the gloom of someone to become a bloom of gladness that will make them smile too. Smile doesn't cost a penny but it has the ability to bring more wealth within and without in to your life if you are ready to keep giving it without restraint!" — Abraham Israel

"If Jesus is the one and only reason for your smile, your smile can start with a insignificant 's', but can become the longest word in English vocabulary with a length of a mile after it." — Abraham Israel

"When God says I have drawn you in the palm of my hands, He meant to assure us individually that we are not an accident waiting to happen or an incident that has gone unnoticed, but rather from the hour of our birth to death, we are His beautiful plan waiting to get unfolded more and more even unto eternity! God is not only concerned for every area of our life to prosper and bring glory to Him, but for us to give space to Him to be in partnership with God our Father to unfold the best plans that He has for us to fulfill in our lives. You can be the best when you are in the best plans of the eternal God your Creator who has created you to bring glory to Him and Him alone!" — Abraham Israel

"We cannot have true greatness in this life and in the life to come, when our trust and confidence is in what we have with us rather than in who we have within us. In short, we can lose everything in this life but still with a smile can carry on in this life if we can have hope and faith in the God of the mountain who carries us in his arms through the waters of trials and fire of oppression to be the unchanging same God in valleys too. No flood of waters can drown us and no blazing fire can burn us when our God goes before us to make a pathway to move forward, and then becomes a rear guard behind us to protect us from deceitful arrows, and keeps His hand upon us to empower us in our journey called life. What a wonderful God we have, when we come to realize that the God of the wonders is not far away but is carrying us moment by moment in the arms of His loving Presence! When we have our Lord Jesus Christ as our shepherd, we shall never be in need and will lack nothing in this life or in the life to come because only where there is a lack there will be a need. The Lord is my shepherd and I truly shall not be anytime in want of anything except His awesome indwelling Presence that warms me with faith, hope and Love which brings heaven to earth often and takes us to heaven when we die. Glory!" — Abraham Israel

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