Saturday, July 14, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

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"Either we rule over sin, or we are ruled by sin, and there are no in-between. Sin makes us prisoners and slaves to it, Gods' righteousness fills us with liberty of the children of God through our faith. Sin enthrones self, God's righteousness enthrones God alone. Sin thrills our flesh but kills our abundant life. Carrying our cross by denying the flesh through faith kills self and its lust, but satisfies us deeply with the rest and tranquility of heaven to make a difference for now and for eternity ahead. Let go of your self and let God in to help you rule over sin!" — Abraham Israel

"God is never too early, or too late, but just on time! No matter what hurdles you cross, your faith is the bridge that takes you to the appointed place of God, in the timing of God and in the perfect will of God. God waits for your timing more than you wait for His because there is so much joy for Him when He sees you prosper in all areas of your life. Trust in God's unfailing love and hold on to your faith, believe me, before your hope diminishes, you will prove your faith in the sight of God and all humans for the Glory of God. Sometimes we may not all do great things in a similar way of faith, but we can do small things with great love and hope for a great tomorrow which God blesses and rewards for eternity ahead!" — Abraham Israel

"There is no reason to hate anyone except hate itself. To prove the good, it has to be tested by evil. So overcome the evil character of hate from without with the good Character of God within you, as you are His Child. Evil cannot prevail and overcome as long as we the children of God choose to be the overcomers we are called to be. Never drink the poison of hate and expect the other to die!" — Abraham Israel

"There is a lot of risk in the leap of faith, but those who stake their lives at the promises of God and sacrifice themselves, they land down smoothly with the wings of faith that gets grown while they were stretched and thrown out of their comfort zone. Faith wins when fear dies, a new world open up when the old little world diminishes, a new man rises up when the old dies and are kept at bay, the new heaven appears when the old gets ruled over and burned forever, God rises up in His strength when we become weak in ourselves, and finally above all if we operate in faith, God gets pleased with us to make us succeed in His way and in His time for His Glory. Faith doesn't make things easy, but it makes it possible as the God who is in partnership with us steps in to fulfill our desires!" — Abraham Israel

"When we seek the face of the God the blessor first, all those who come in to contact with us will be without fail be blessed with His invisible light of His Presence which shines through us to make us a Blessing! It is easy to connect with others when we choose to connect with God first." — Abraham Israel

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