Sunday, March 4, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

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"It is either rapture before Tribulation or rupture during Tribulation based on how we have behaved with what we have believed, there are no intermediate in these end of the end times. Watching and praying are not works that we do, but rather it is the fruit of faith that is going to come to fruition during rapture for all those who seek the heavenly home of New Jerusalem and the resultant life of deep intimacy and friendship with God." — Abraham Israel

"When Jesus is our Shepherd, no matter how many challenges we face in life by going through dry phases, He changes the direction and leads us through green pastures which makes us overflow with all the blessings of God again and again where we become satisfied in the Love of God, and God gets all the glory for our breakthrough, prosperity, victory, restoration, joy, etc...which He rightly deserves. Just focus on Jesus and His direction, all things that bothers us will diminish and the peace that passes all understanding will get magnified enough within us to guard our mind with Kingdom thinking of faith to make us overcome the world that misleads us in unbelief. None of God's children can ever be lost because Jesus the great shepherd loses none of God's children whom the Father God has brought to Him to take care for eternity ahead!" — Abraham Israel

"Nurture the seed of faith patiently, until you see the miracle working hand of God move on your behalf which is the reward of your faith. God does not work because you pray, but rather your prayer sustains your faith for God to work your miracle, as God is not pleased with anything but only your faith. Your faith is your victory!" — Abraham Israel

"Spiritual beings do not come out of human doings, but rather they come out in to the world as spiritual beings because of their attachment to Christ who is their life. The branch is in the vine, and not vice-versa. So the fruit of works we do are the natural outflow of remaining in Christ in whom we are placed by God through our faith. The effect of the law of life in Christ is rest and refreshment in faith which overcomes the self-effort of the law of sin and death in us that has come through Adam our forefather, and makes it powerless as we keep our focus on Christ alone for our sustenance and spiritual growth! In other words, we would naturally choose works to please God without Christ our new life, but God chose us in Christ Jesus to choose faith to please God through the life of Jesus working in us, with us and upon us! So are we going to let Christ work in us, or will we choose to work as Christ remains a mute spectator?" — Abraham Israel

"No gods or lords or so called deity in all the world or in heaven ever died for you to become saved and have eternal friendship and fellowship with God, except the one and only one God-man Jesus the Christ who loved you and died for you to forgive your sins, and bring you without sin before God through His very own sinless blood which only has the power in all the universe to cleanse sins and give eternal life. Jesus has already given His very sinless life for you, now as a sign of thankfulness and gratitude, will you live for Him and His Glory by living a holy life which overcomes sin and helps people around recognize the power of Jesus' blood and His love for them? There is only one life, soon it will pass away, before that happens, choose everyday to live for Jesus, love the Lord Jesus and let your light shine forth the life of Jesus to the whole world living around you as long as you live. The reward is out of this world treasures for eternity that will stay with you in eternal bliss and honor for living such a holy life now on earth in this little time left for us!" — Abraham Israel

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