Thursday, March 10, 2016

Manna For The Day

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"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29, NKJV).

Nobody needs any faith to believe what they see, but if they do not see anything tangible with their five senses and still believe what God says about something or someone as true, then we know that it takes real faith to stand upon that revealed Word of God and still declare it as true. God rewards all those are stand on His Word with unshakable faith. Faith is a challenge that God puts before us, if we dare to step in to faith by accepting the spoken Word of God as true, we are in fact telling to ourselves and others around us that God cannot fail because He has never ever failed even once till now for all those who have believed in Him in the past and so He will not fail me too as I have believed in Him now and also will believe in His future for me. O what a faith! God says in His Word, "But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]." (Heb 11:6, AMP). God is always present everywhere and in fact He is closer to us than the air we breathe, but only as we draw near to hear from Him, we will be able to feel his existence and nearness to us. When we want to experience God two thing we must get right with God through our faith, one is to believe that God exists and the other thing is to believe that if we seek the God whom we do not see, God is willing always to reward us with what we can see in exchange for what we have believed. So believing God needs diligent and earnest seeking to find the reality of all His goodness. God has called us all in this adventure of faith. God doesn't miss anything when we fail to walk in faith by responding to God's call in a positive way. But we are the one who will miss the eternal adventure of having friendship with God and all the reward God has in store for us. When we please God in our lives, we are making our future secure in Him. There is nothing more worthwhile in this life, than to walk pleasing to the God who has created us. So if we want to be blessed in this life and in the life to come, we ought to teach ourselves through the Word of God to live by faith. Pray With Me Saints : "Dear God, I come to understand that the greatest blessing and privilege we have as humans, is to learn to walk by faith in this life which can only please you to shower your favor and friendship upon my life now and in the life to come for eternity ahead. Help me to live in the blessedness of faith and make my life meaningful and purposeful. Help me look forward to the higher value of your reward when going through the day to day grind of the walk of faith which makes us to get reshaped in the character of your image as your dearly beloved children. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!"

"We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (1 John 2:1, NKJV).

What a blessed thought it is to think that we need not defend ourselves before our Holy Father God, but rather as we give all our burdens, weaknesses, failure, bondage, cares and frustrations to the Lord Jesus who is our High Priest and Advocate, He will represent us to the Father God and will bring a good result for us in the will of God. An advocate always takes your burden away and will say to you not to worry about the result, because he will know how to defend you. Many times when we fail to give our cares of this life to the Lord Jesus regularly through prayer, that is when we become burdened with all kinds of unnecessary loads that starts to drag us in our earthly pilgrimage and will take the joy of life away from us each new day. When we fail to enjoy the legitimate pleasure of every day life, we have truly failed God who wants us to enjoy it in every bits and pieces in Him. Thus all the depression in life comes, when we fail to carry our burdens to Jesus consistently in our every day lives. When we become too focused about ourselves in our spiritual journey of life, we need to tap ourselves once in a while and remind ourselves that it is not about us but it is all about Jesus Christ the righteous who has become our righteousness before God and within us. The more we pass our burden to Jesus and keep ourselves at rest, we will stay quiet and rest in His beautiful Presence to enjoy every second of the legitimate pleasure that God wants us to enjoy in Himself. When you fail to see the results come to you in the way you are expecting, do not worry but keep giving your cares to Jesus because He cares enough for you to give you only the best result that He has planned for you now which will stay with you for eternity ahead in your Character. When God answers you immediately, thank Him for the answer. When God waits and answers you in a better way, praise Him for the answer. When God waits and doesn't give you the answer, worship Him because the best answer for life He has put within you to give you to others as the answer for the question that they are looking to solve in their lives. By looking to Jesus, you not only are blessed, but you become the blessing that people are searching for in their lives. Keep looking to Jesus who is your advocate always! Pray With Me Saints : "Abba Father in Heaven, thank you for helping me have the greatest mediator in the whole universe stand for me to justify me, take my case and always bring the best answer for me in this life and in the life to come. Help me to pray to Jesus and transfer all my cares upon Him, then I can rest and be refreshed in you to enjoy your love and live for you without cares like a bird in the air. In Jesus name, Amen!"

"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us." (1 John 3:16, NKJV).

Love is not a feeling that comes and goes away once in a while. If it is so, we cannot come to know God whom the Bible reveals as saying, 'God is Love'. If God is someone who shows once in a while in our feelings and is not present at other times, then He cannot be God anymore, as sometimes our feeling comes and stays, other times we do not feel anything of a love in us or around us. But rather we should come to understand the truth that Love is not a feeling but it is absolutely a person and a embodiment in the flesh. When people were so much confused in life not believing what God has revealed about Himself in the revealed word of God, then for the first time in the history of the entire universe, God revealed His love through sending Jesus His only begotten Son incarnated as a normal human being. When people saw the love of God in Jesus, people were challenged but they were not still able to hold on to the truth because of seeing through a tinted glass of sin within them which fed their feelings of their soul and not their heart. Then Jesus revealed the truth about the love of God in details by nailing love on the wooden Roman Cross which all were able to see all around the world, thus now "By this [i.e. death that Christ died for our sins] we know love, because He laid down His life for us [i.e. so that we can free from sin to Love God with all our heart]." Thus today as we think about love, there is nothing greater than the Love of Jesus which is the highest form of love which we have ever experienced in this life which is God's unconditional love. So if we have started this love, with our feelings it will cease after some time which is all a human love is which we try to express towards others. But because God has loved us in revealing the person of Jesus Christ to show His everlasting love towards us, we can be sure that even if we try to run away from God's love, God's love is so big that we cannot run out of the ocean of His Love for us which He unconditionally have shown towards us and have chosen to show to us until we come to stand before Him one day in His eternal dwelling place. So may God help us to live in His ravishing love for us and never be discouraged especially when we fail God. Even if we fail God, God cannot fail us because He is the one who loved us all first even after knowing that we were His enemies by nature which controls us. Pray with me Saints : "Dear Father God, I believe that I cannot fail in this life or in this life to come because your love cannot fail towards me. Thank you for making me your child, thank you for holding my hand tight enough so that even if I slip through by my lack of strength, I will be safe and secure in your love that you have shown towards me. Help me love you with all my heart and strength, so that I may bring glory to you and your glorious name. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!"

"Let love be without hypocrisy." (Rom.12:9, NKJV).

A hypocritical love is something that speaks well and acts well on the outside, but inside the motive for loving others may be to gain something for ourselves. The first person to show love without any hypocrisy expecting nothing out of us was God Himself when He decided to send His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for us on the Cross for our sins and bring us to eternal friendship with Himself who were alienated because of sin. In fact when God loved us through his action of sending Jesus for us to the earth, who Himself was God but humbled Himself to become a human among us, we were all enemies of God by our rebellious sin nature ruling within us. So God expected nothing out of us, but unconditionally loved us so that today we stand as a testimony for the transformation power of heaven that has made us to become His sons and daughters of God. Today we follow Jesus whom God sent for us, not out of any compulsion but because of the unconditional love that works within us that made us realize how privileged we are when we received Jesus that God forgave all our past, present and future sins once and for all time, and that we have become friends of God forever and above all children of God. Now that we have come to know our unique privilege of experiencing the unconditional love of God through Jesus, God wants us to give the same love to others who are our enemies who hate us, so that we can truly glorify God our Father in Heaven. We cannot hallow His name really on earth, unless we start to become a reflection of His beautiful character. Remember saints, when God loved us He gave His only begotten Son for us, in the same way when we say that we love our enemies, we should choose to bless them, pray for them, show God's kindness towards them when God gives us opportunities by bringing them to us with a need and finally give to them something tangible of what God has given to us which is His unconditional love. For a human who loves like God is a true child of God who has the peace of God within to let out the transformational power of heaven working through Him to change the world around him. Pray With Me Dear Saints : "Dear Father God, Thank you for your unconditional love that you have show towards me through Jesus. Teach me constantly to love others without hypocrisy just like you. May I be a agent of change and a true representation of your character on earth for your glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!"

"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7, NKJV).

You say, 'O I am a very bad sinner,' and I can't forgive myself. God says, 'Oooo my child, come to the cleansing stream which I have made for you through My Son Jesus, His blood flowed out as a eternal river just for you, just for you my child. Namaan was cleansed from the worst kind of leprosy when he just chose to obey my word through my Servant Elisha. No sin is too great to wash away when you come to Me swimming through the cleansing river of the blood of my Son Jesus, the only begotten by Me. Are you ready to believe what I say, or just stand by the river and miss the eternal washing away of your sin and the cleansing life that will come to you through it. Only believe Me my child and all will be well!' As we hear the voice of our Father God speaking today to us from heaven, may we submit to Him and the sweet voice of His Love that is right now resonating within us. Our Father in Heaven is so happy when we come to Him with our broken heart, broken lives, weaknesses, failings, missed opportunities, low self-esteem, etc...He receives us with a open arms and then leads us to be cleansed from all these spiritual leprosy of sin that cling to us in this fallen world, he makes us see Jesus on the Cross and takes us to the cleansing river that flows out of it constantly to cure us and cause us to receive His life of heaven which we are privileged to receive. Just like a earthly father would love to comfort his kid who is discouraged, and solve his problematic world with his knowledge, our heavenly Father lends his hand to solve all kinds of chaos in our lives when we come to Him with it all. May we give it all to Him who has Created and loves us with faith in His Word and submission to His Spirit, and let Him heal our wounds and bandage it all so that we could again lift our heads and walk just like Him victoriously for His Glory.

O now I see the cleansing wave!
The fountain deep and wide;
Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save,
Points to His wounded side.
The cleansing stream I see, I see;
I plunge, and O it cleanseth me!
O praise the Lord it cleanseth me!
It cleanseth me, yes, cleanseth me.
I see the dear Redeemer raised,
I hear the speaking blood;
It speaks! My spirit is amazed!
And quickened by its flood.
I rise to walk in God’s own light
Above the world and sin,
With heart renewed and garments white
And Christ enthroned within.

Pray With Me Dear Saints : " Ooo Our Abba Father In Heaven, We love you and thank you for all you are. Thank for changing our broken lives and transforming it through your Word which has led us to the cleansing wave of the Blood of our Lord Jesus. May your Spirit empower us to be victorious over sin and the world. With hearts renewed and garments white may we continue to rejoice to let Christ be enthroned in our lives within. In Jesus wonderful name. Amen!"

Much Blessings.....

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