Monday, February 8, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

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"The greatest mysteries of the Bible are not revealed by God to scholars of it, but the spiritual babies who are longing and crying for more of the milk of the Word of God and desiring to grow in Him constantly to eat the meat of the Word of God. The growth in spirituality to understand the Scripture doesn't stop with head knowledge, but rather the power of it will be experienced by these spiritual babes who are becoming sons and daughters of God more and more each passing day, and they will demonstrate and express through their own lives what it means to be spiritual to the world around them. Spirituality is not a mirage, but rather it is a oasis where only those of His children favored by God live constantly and enjoy the shade and abundant water fountains and rivers of God their Father in the midst of this dry spiritual desert of this world." — Abraham Israel

"Your destiny is only as big as the God you believe, never underestimate the power of believing." — Abraham Israel

"To err is human, but to learn from our mistakes and avoid it to live victoriously day by day is Divine wisdom directing our life to the path of His Glory! You are only as good as how you learn to adapt in life by the grace of God and excel by it strength and power." — Abraham Israel

"A monkey can imitate the learned human, but only humans can read and understand the language they know or learn because only humans are created in the image of God to have understanding to know, speak, relate and have relationship with God and fellow humans and even with animals, birds and sea creatures. No matter how much a monkey imitates humans, it still stays as monkey. But only those foolish enough to go to the debased monkey's level of thinking start believing that humans came from monkey. So let us praise God that we have been made different from all the animals, birds and sea creatures, that is right in the image and glory of God our Father in heaven." — Abraham Israel

"Finding our rest in anyone or anything other than God himself, is an illusion and a mirage of rest that brings unrest more and more as we go further and further in that path in our lives. Rest in none but Christ, your best in this life and the life to come, the best is yet to come for all those who by faith see a glorious outcome, and continue to put their trust in none but in only Him for a eternal refuge in times of trouble and an oasis of rest all around us when He stays at the center." — Abraham Israel

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