Friday, September 6, 2013

Apostolic Quotes

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"If your enemies are around the corner watching you but can't do anything to you because of God watching over you, know for sure the promise of God which you have believed has brought the anointing of heaven's glory all over you to make you glorify Him supernaturally, because you have waited long enough to go through the grind waiting for Him to transform you just like Him. When it is God's time, you enjoy it all whether someone likes it or hates it with all their might, those who like it will be blessed through your anointing, but those who hate it will only see their own bones melt with jealousy. Congrats, it is your time!" — Abraham Israel

"God's grace empowers us, His mercy sustains us and His peace guides us in to our destiny. Keep availing it because it is our duty to avail it by faith until we succeed in His purpose for our lives." — Abraham Israel

"The very reason Jesus showed the raw wounds on His body and asked Apostle Thomas to check it after his resurrection is not because He wanted sympathy from him, but because Jesus has chosen to retain the wounds on His resurrection body as a sign of reminding God to continue in blessing his followers in spite of their failings, weaknesses and doubt from time to time, and in reminding men about the reality of freedom that He had purchased once and for all time over sin, sickness and death no matter what kind of curse that tries to affect them because of the lack of faithfulness on their part towards God. In other words, the whole world may come to forget you for your unsteady life, but remember that Jesus has your image inscribed on his hand and that is the reason his wounds can be seen on His glorious resurrected body through which we are reminded that for sure all our past, present and future sins were forever forgiven and we were healed of all our sicknesses in our soul and body for eternity ahead. Remembering the faithfulness of Jesus should make you stand on your faith and enjoy His unchanging blessings no matter what kind of doubt or unbelief has attacked you to weaken you through your time of trial. Let go of yourself and your striving, let God take control by depending on His promise and faithfulness." — Abraham Israel

"God is building up His end time glorious Church by the washing of water which is the revealed fullness of the Word of God, the Word of God when quickened by the Holy Spirit has the ability to reveal the fullness of the power of the blood of Christ and the finished work of Christ achieved for all believers, and such fullness of revelation causes them to rest in His grace and glory. Thus the Glorious Church is not a fiction, doctrine or speculation, it is a living reality of which you and I are a part in this terminal generation. If you believe it say, "AMEN" and type it for the GLORY OF GOD!" — Abraham Israel

"The more we know the Holy Scriptures, the more the freedom of salvation from sin we will experience because of our faith within. So through the Scriptures be wise, become convinced and begin to walk the journey of a lifetime before the lifetime of your journey becomes expired. Be inspired before you get expired and you will never get perspired to succeed in life!" — Abraham Israel

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