Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Apostolic Quotes

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"The little things in life are those which will be the big things that we will remember for eternity ahead if we are wise enough not to neglect it. Most people who blame God for the boredom are those who keep seeing only for the big things in life that they never realize the small things that God sends on their way to strengthen them with the Presence of heaven. So always learn to enjoy each moment and choose to enjoy the small things in life so that you will also joyfully reach the big things God has for you to reach by faith. For within the big things of life lies the small thing for life that has been planned by God for you uniquely and you will reach the big things of life if you keep walking step by step with Jesus day in and day out by faith. Enjoy the little things in life, for one day when you will look back, you will realize that they were really big things that seemed little for a while. Little things enjoyed little by little will lead to big thing of life little by little!" — Abraham Israel

"To think of the victorious life of joy and the sweet taste of victory we will experience at the end of our arduous endeavor will definitely make the harder climb to the top become easier than it really is, because our lives are driven not just by strength within but based on the purpose that we have. God's purpose is stronger than the limited strength and resources we have in our natural. To live supernaturally, keep going and don't ever stop, as the very road to the supernatural dimension is to let the natural be driven by the supernatural purpose of God which will without fail drive us right in to our destiny. To reach the top, keep moving to the top until you reach it. The great thing about God is, He gives strength to the weak when they are walking in His purpose!" — Abraham Israel

"To intercede actually means to plead on another's behalf. It is a selfless act of love in which we spend our time, talent and treasure towards the life of another before God in prayer, who might be going through some real time difficulties due to his own faults or because of ignorance or even because of someone else's mistake. Whenever we intercede, we are very close to the heart of Jesus who lives now in heaven to make intercession for all the saints of God which includes us. In intercession we appeal to God to show mercy on someone and give them grace, not because we want something but because we want Jesus to be glorified through our lives. Many times God will use the intercessor to bless those whom they pray for because God delights in showing mercy than to judge anyone immediately. God wants you to intercede for your family, neighborhood, city, state, nation and nations around the world, if you are willing to be a channel of sacrifice, you will be a mighty channel of God's blessing in the lives of many people in our generation. Remember, we are never more like Christ than in prayers of intercession." — Abraham Israel

"To be rooted in Him is to grow strong in the unconditional love of God that comes in to our heart when we constantly seek and ask God by faith for a downward growth for spiritual strength based on the promises of the word of God. Building ourselves by the gift is only an upward growth that others can see outwardly, but being rooted in love cannot be necessarily seen until the storm comes and the shallow spirituality without much root is immediately uprooted and all come to see that what seemed to be a strong real tree all these days were not in reality a strong one as it seemed on the outside. To grow in the likeness of God's character is more important than to just display our gift which needs no great effort or cooperation with God to grow as it is a impartation and not a daily organic growth. Real spiritual growth is not how much we display our spirituality to others but how we live in our day to day life displaying the Character of God to people around us. To be rooted in the love of Christ, uproot yourself from the self life and the world." — Abraham Israel

"To love one's enemies is the one unique thing that Jesus Christ challenged all His followers to do as He knew that it is impossible to do it without the strength that He gives. Jesus said that without Him, His followers can do nothing valuable to God and His purpose. He wants His followers to be attached to Him always as like a vine is attached to its branches without which they will get dried and dead. No other religion in the world ever speaks and exhorts anyone to love their enemies, to bless those who curse them, do good to those who hate them and pray for those who spitefully use them and persecute them except Christianity because in it Christ gives the power to do that which is impossible to do. Nothing is impossible with God when you have Christ within you who positions you in God's favor which continually strengthens you! Learn to love, then live and let live." — Abraham Israel

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