Monday, January 14, 2013

Apostolic Quotes

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"Never passively accept any evil affliction saying that it is God's will that I should suffer, remember it is not God's will that any of His children should suffer unless it outworks a special grace to overcome in spite of the repeated attacks and makes you a blessing to others. Always actively stand on God's promises and take your affliction to the Lord asking Him to remove it until He personally tells you that His grace is sufficient for you to fight against the evil that God has allowed you to face it in your life, and thus be victorious by His grace for the GLORY OF GOD! If not for grace, carry no spiritual waste." — Abraham Israel

"Read, listen, eat, sleep, think and live in the word of God, then you will never ever live in the negative mentality of defeat and hopelessness, as the very word you rejoice in will make you rejoice and dwell in eternal satisfaction of heaven on earth." — Abraham Israel

"Being busy and having no quality time for Bible reading and prayer is a devil's trap to keep the Christians from experiencing the power of God that comes through connecting with God. This intimate relationship with God is like plugging ourselves in to the power source of God and getting recharged to carry on in His power. This is the only way we can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Think about a electric machine without power, not matter how powerful it is designed to be, without plugging in to the power source it is just another useless object. In the same way, we become useless to God, ourselves, our family and others around us if we are not connected to God consistently. If you are weak and feeble in your Christian life, you got to discipline yourself to spending quality time in reading the Bible and communing with God through prayer daily. Take at least one to two hours daily with God's help to commune with God. Discipline yourself to do this Bible reading and prayer consistently and the dividends are really great for you now and for eternity. What you receive now in this life is just a bonus, but on the payday, you will receive an out of this world vacation to enjoy your life and a privilege to serve God with position of honors forever and ever. If you say I have no time to read the Bible and pray, remember, you are busier than God ever intended you to be!" — Abraham Israel

"There are two types of confession to God and men, one is the Old Testament and the other is the New Testament type. The OT type of confession saves and justifies men before God, but the NT type of confession not only saves and justifies, but also makes them a testimony to others around them. In the Old you are focusing on your sin with much penitence for what you have done, then ask God's help to walk further. In the New you are not focusing on yourself and your sinfulness, but on Jesus who became a sin for you and made you a embodiment of righteousness before God. In the New Testament confession, because of Jesus you become as righteous as Jesus is, once you confess your sins to God. When you realize your position of authority after your confession, you will be able to speak again the mountain of weaknesses that made you fall and curse it in Jesus name, because all that you say in Jesus name will be fulfilled for you by God as you stay in faith. Never give up on yourself and your so called weaknesses. You can experience absolute victory as you know the truth, and as a result of you knowing the truth, the truth sets you free! In the New Testament, the good news is that every failings of yours are used by God to glorify Jesus as you confess it back to Him and learn to rejoice in Him for what He has already done for you through His death and resurrection! Don't walk in the Old but experience the new way of living in Jesus! Welcome to the New Testament club!" — Abraham Israel

"We can try to keep a fleshy unity using some wise schemes of men but we cannot maintain it for long, but when the Spirit gives unity among a group of believers we will be gelled supernaturally to stick on in the network because the fellowship we enjoy will satisfy our heart within, but still God expects us to keep the unity which He has supernaturally given to us in Jesus name because when a Divine fellowship is formed, sadistic Satan and his demons cannot bear it as it will bring heaven on earth to experience. Giving heaven within and among us is God's responsibility, but maintaining it is our responsibility." — Abraham Israel

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