Thursday, November 3, 2011

Art of Living #50

Åґ☂ ◎ḟ ʟ☤√ḯη❡ #50 : "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Phil 4:8, NIV).
Ѧ℘☺﹩☂◎łḯ¢ €ϰ℘øüηḓ : God has given us all a gift that is more valuable than any material blessing that He gives. It cannot be equated with anything material that God provides us because all material blessings of God need to have this gift along with it for any person to really enjoy it on planet earth. By now I think you might have guessed it? It is nothing other than the power of a beautiful mind within us. If the mind in us is filled with beauty and the glory of God, all the world around us becomes beautiful. Have you experienced the miserable times when you have all things that you need with you, but do not have a calm heart to enjoy the things surrounding you and the beautiful environment around you? If you have realized the value of this blessed mind, then you need to know how we can really improve its performance to stay joyful, peaceful and serene all the time.

The blessed Apostle Paul who wrote atleast one third of the whole New Testament developed a blessed mind by the power of God and said the following, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate [and think intentionally] on these things." (Phil 4:8). In other words, only when we choose to think on things true, noble, pure, lovely and of good report which is full of the virtue of God's character and power display, worthy of praise to God, then we can be able to little by little increase the performance of our fallen sinful mind to a beautiful blessed mind filled with an incresing level of God's glory! We need discipline and consistency to really attain this blessedness.

Whatever effort or hardship God allows us to go through in order to train us and reward us with a beautiful mind is worth every effort on our part, because the whole world becomes beautiful when our mind starts to think beautifully with the blessed thoughts of God. When we change our thinking, the whole world around us changes instantly. This is the one of the greatest miracle of all. Our mind can think only one thought at a time. When silly, evil, sinful and discouraging thoughts arises in our mind through the influence of our sin nature within, immediately we should make a good choice to replace it with a positive, life-giving, and soul enriching Word of God based thought immediately. God who sees whether we are sincere in our effort to intentinally think on His word in our soul constantly, will start to slowly record those things in our spirit and then give His quickened word from our spirit-man which will become a blessed thought of the moment to replace the sinful and mundane in our soul. After some months and years of hard work, the blessedness of God's glory will start to flow without our effort perpetually. Like a river it starts to constantly flow in to our mind and keeps our soul like a tree planted by the rivers of waters. O what a blessedness! SO KEEP THINKING ON THE GOOD THOUGHTS OF THE WORD OF GOD CONSTANTLY BY MEDITATING AND CHEWING ON IT AS A CUD AGAIN AND AGAIN, UNTIL IT GOES DEEP IN TO YOUR SPIRIT AND COMES OUT OF IT AS A BLESSED THOUGHT FROM THE THRONE OF GOD IN TO YOUR SOUL AGAIN, ANOINTED AND SHINING AS A RAINBOW OUT OF A PRISM. May God help us all to train, discipline ourselves to think intentionally the good thoughts of God and His Word so that we could keep the beautiful mind to be filled with the rainbow of God's glory all the time more and more progressively!

"Continued meditation brings great profit to the soul. Passant and transient thoughts are more pleasant, but not so profitable. Deliberate meditation is of most use because it secures the return of the thoughts." — Thomas Manton

(¯`•.ゃ_ゃ.• •.ゃ_ゃ.•´¯)

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