Sunday, June 30, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Human nature wants to grab everything even when it cannot be useful to them or anyone else around them, but God's nature within us wants to give everything everywhere there is a genuine need. Do you want to be a grabber or a giver? Giving glorifies God, grabbing glorifies self. Whom do you want to glorify? It is more blessed to learn giving than receiving, because receiving makes us human, but giving makes us become more Divine." — Abraham Israel

"God loves us and that is why He chastises us to bring the best out of us. If the God you believe does not correct you at all personally, your god is yourself, and not the God who created you for His very own purpose. Those who go under the severity of God also experience the true goodness of God without fail. God loves the whole world generally that is why He provides physically, but He corrects and disciplines specifically only His children who believe and follow him spiritually. So willingly submit and follow God joyfully because He is your eternal Father no matter what life brings, when you do that He brings His best through it all for your own eternal good. You cannot miss out with God, even when you have messed up with everything else in life." — Abraham Israel

"To say we know God is one thing, but it is totally another thing to be known by God. Rejoice O child of God, though you might now not be know to anyone on earth, you are know by the King of Kings and God your Father who resides in Heaven. So praise Him and thank Him for all the privileges God has given you through adopting in to His very own family by His Word and the Spirit. Jesus Christ knows every child of God present in all the world, they all know Him as their Lord and Savior when they first believed Him. Now that you are child of God, do not try to please men but only God and God alone who has sent His very begotten Son of God Jesus Christ freely to save us without any precondition to make us His very own child for eternity ahead! If ever you try to please men or yourself, you cannot please God. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, your future is sealed, your past has been forgotten by God and your present is ever before His watchful eyes to help you, as you look to do great things for Him and His Glory. Glorify our Father in Heaven! Hallelujah!" — Abraham Israel

"Every child of God is set apart by God to live a supernatural life of holiness that makes them grow up spiritually from being a child to a son of God fully loaded and guided by the Spirit of God to rule and reign in the earth. Never forget that God has set you apart by adoption for you to become more and more like Him in character, likeness and fullness of life, so that you and I may become a replica of His greatness and glory working in and through us for eternity!" — Abraham Israel

"To say I am free in one thing, but it is totally another thing altogether to become truly free. A human becomes truly free only when he becomes free from the self that limits his relationship with God and fellow beings, thus to believe in Jesus Christ and be free from all our sins not only frees our soul from death but also puts us on a path to master over the tyranny of self that promotes sin to keep us in bondage to its delusion of eternal reality to cheat us from what we deserve in Christ Jesus for free. To be born free is not a reality, until be get born again to be really free." — Abraham Israel

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Blessed are the broken hearted who are broken by God for His purpose, they shall become eternally blessed to be a blessing. When we let God break us, we can lose things temporally for which we gain something else more important eternally in God's favor and elevated relationship with Him. " — Abraham Israel

"Only when we come to understand that to err is human, that is when we can learn to practice and understand that to forgive is Divine. Forgiving in spite of hurts caused heals us and freeds us from all bondages of the enemy of our soul. Forgiveness is the Divine lethal attack of heaven's culture upon the depraved earthly culture of human soul that ends with this world. Thus forgiveness is the antidote against the bitter unforgiving sinful nature which injects its poison in to our soul that longs for purity of heaven. Forgive and let go to feed heaven in to your soul!" — Abraham Israel

"Forgiving others inspite of hurts caused heals us and freeds us from all the sinful bondages of the enemy of our soul and defangs us from the bitterness of soul that destroys life abundant that God provides."— Abraham Israel

"Forgiving is the highest form of giving, that proves to us time and time again that it is more blessed to give than to receive." — Abraham Israel

"God cannot bless anyone unless He has hurt them first for their own good." — Abraham Israel

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"A religious mindset that works for God in pride takes people directly in to hell fire, but the ungodly sinners who seek relief from mindset of sin draw near to Jesus and easily get saved through repentance and faith. Faith justifies a sinner to become a transformed saint, unbelief makes a person who think he is a saint to stay as a sinner without change! The way of faith that leads to life is narrow because only those few who humble themselves as sinners before God find it, the way of unbelief that leads to eternal destruction in hell fire is broad because every person who take pride in their own righteousness before God end up walking in it already in delusion. " — Abraham Israel

"God does work for us all the time, and yet we humans take it as a coincidence and does not want to justify God. We humans work for God sometimes, yet we want to boast of it to justify our self before God which He rejects and laughs at. Let God be found true and every human a liar, so that those who knows that they are sinners in need of the Savior to rescue them from sin and hell fire can end up perfectly justified before God now and end up finally in heaven, as they find that the one and only person who is worthy of honor and glory and praise is only God. Thus those who find themselves as righteous in themselves come to find themselves as sinners before God after they die which is too late to realize in hell which has no exit for eternity, and then those who find themselves as sinners now, end up finding God is good all the time while they are still alive. Only these sinners are transformed to become saints in Christ Jesus after which they come to realize that that they have been made as righteous before God. These humble people in the eyes of God come to find heaven earlier in their heart even before they die. Thus in the good news of Jesus, sinners find themselves very closer to heaven and enter it easily through repentance rather the righteous who justify themselves and end up in hell fire. God demands perfect 100% righteousness, only Jesus Christ can provide His very own righteousness to a sinner and turn him in to a saint in the eyes of God. This is the true faith that saves a sinner and condemns a sinner who think that he is righteous in himself before God through His works." — Abraham Israel

"Humans were not created inherently holy, but inherently innocent and had a choice to become one, but they became sinful instead." — Abraham Israel

"The devil and his demons are not our greatest enemy, the sin nature within that makes us look to ourselves rather than to God is." — Abraham Israel

"When we see God through the tainted glass of sin nature, we try to justify ourselves." — Abraham Israel

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Every sin is a sin in the sight of God, and likewise it should also be in our own sight that we should run to God in confession so that attitude of repentance might remain in us through a broken heart towards God when we do sin. Any sin cannot be too small that it can be overlooked to let us in to heaven outside of salvation, no sin can be too big that it deserves hell after we have confessed it to God within salvation. Sin problem has forever been dealt with a death blow through the redeeming and cleansing blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. Conviction of sin from God and confession of sin from our heart to God forms the basis of our relationship of repentance towards God and the enjoyment of the Kingdom of God down on earth in our lives day to day. Kingdom of God is not eating or drinking or flaunting any earthly wealth like the temporal earthly kingdoms in which we all live, but it is peace, joy and righteousness that comes in to our heart through the Holy Spirit to make us live abundantly with the heavenly wealth of the Kingdom of God. Remember, Jesus did not say, repent and book your tickets to heaven in advance, rather He said, 'Repent, for the [heavenly] Kingdom [lifestyle and enjoyment] of God is at hand now [on earth to experience like people dream only in their afterlife which will continue with us both now and forever eternally.]'" — Abraham Israel

"While we consider the physical building as the Church, God considers our body as the temple in which He dwells, and collectively the people within the Church as His extended body. We consider man made images as idols, God considers whatever takes hold of our heart affection except Him as idols. So we cannot remain in lust of money, sex, wealth and continue to say that we love God and are God's favorite. God has no favorites except those who repent, for whom God along with the whole of heaven rejoices. Union of mind with idols of the heart can be maintained only when we lose sensitivity to the Presence of God, so make sure you are sensitive enough to be always hungry for the Word of God and thirsty for the Spirit of God, so that we will not ward off the Presence of the living God due to becoming defiled by the unholy attitudes of our heart. What you think in your mind and constantly entertain within it is so important to God, that He has promised to continue to walk among us both privately and corporately based on how we keep our mind in a state of repentance towards life that he provides from heaven. If we let the life die the death of a rebel, we will become miserable by the lack of God's Presence which only can give satisfaction to all humans which includes us the children of God. You cannot take the hand of God with one hand and also maintain to keep your other hands in friendship with the devil. Because when you do that, automatically without your own knowledge, you have withdrawn your hand away from the Lord and therefore cannot expect him to be in favorable fellowship with you. Our God is holy and therefore he can maintain His loving fellowship with us only when we are holy. Our very identity as God's people is based on whether we have kept the Lord to become our God personally through our consecration and holy life of developing Christ-like thoughts to dwell in us always which leads to godly actions, and let Him walk among us. Glory! Believe you can, and you will become a believer!" — Abraham Israel

"There are two things that matters most in the mind of every human, one is I want to live, the other is I do not want to die. God understands our need for assurance regarding this and have spoken out through His only begotten Son Jesus the Christ saying, 'I am the resurrection and the life; the one believing in Me, even if he should die, he will live.' In other words, if we continue to believe Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there comes a time in our lives when we see reality of death ahead on one side as our bodies get old and feeble and our family members die unexpectedly, and on the other side the hope of ever continuing life abounds within our heart because our faith, hope and love which has grown so much more than ever before in our lives, that we realize it is better to be with Christ in a land of ever abounding joy and happiness, when we unexpectedly face the earthly sorrows which comes to all humans like us alike. So God wants us to concentrate on the life aspect of the time to come, and not the death aspect of this present time because all die not to himself but to God who has created each one for His own purpose. We die more and more everyday to fulfill the purpose of God as much as we live each day to fulfill it, therefore God infuses a new life within us which permeates us to remove the oxymoron brought in to us by our natural thoughts through an every joyful assurance against it through establishing a peace that passes all our natural understanding which makes us enjoy death as much as life, as we continue to experience God's resurrection life which works in us more and more as we grow day by day in the image of His own life and character which moves us closer to God and His life eternal that we lose the thought of the fear of death completely as life begins to consume us. If ever we want to rejoice about the life to come and the assurance of it, it is now as we can glorify God through life lived as well as death experienced only in this side of eternity on earth, and cannot on the other side of eternity over there in heaven because death does not exist in heaven as the source of life sits there in Glory. Rejoice now and continue to rejoice forever!" — Abraham Israel

"Light and darkness are alike to God because it cannot limit God or change His holiness and character, but to us humans, light reveals while darkness conceals. God dwells in unapproachable light which no man has seen, nor can see and continue to live in our human body because of our human limitations. So God chose to veil Himself with a dark cloud of mystery, so that we who thirst for eternity could at least grope within the darkness of this present world to find the source of light who is God Himself through whom we can come to see the world as it is present now in its depravity. So having become the sons of light of the world to come in Christ Jesus, now we can experience God as much as we can handle it for eternity ahead which have started within our heart when we were born again from above by the Word of God and His Spirit! Thus in Jesus Christ we have become the light of God and therefore reveal God to the darkened world around us, there are those who flee from us because they cannot handle our light and there are those who see the light we have and want to receive it to become like us to see God in entirety and eternally. Accept the sinners who know what it means to grope in darkness, and show them the light of life so that they could receive it and become one, but do not bother the religious because they think that the darkness within them is light. Instead, shine forth the light of Jesus as long as you are alive by living in the Spirit and do not put this light under the basket of soulish life to hide from others the revelation of God as it will be of no use to anybody. Shine the light of Jesus to the thirsting humanity in darkness, until you see that same light spread in all the world for the Glory of God!" — Abraham Israel

"Choose to love the one who loves you, and you will love to live for the one whom you have chosen to love. God loves you personally that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you and save you from sin and hell fire, so choose now whom you want to love and live for? As for me and my household we will serve the Lord! So whom you love, you will live for Him. If we love to live for Jesus, we will love to live just like he did when He was on earth as an example for all of us! Know more about Jesus and learn to live like Him more and more each day." — Abraham Israel

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Learn to enjoy the little things of life by being thankful to God from your heart every moment for all things, because those might be the big things when you look back from eternity! Remember, every moment of your life lived on earth is a pure gift of God. Do not despise it, because you may never find it later. Your forever is now, rejoice in the Lord today!" — Abraham Israel

"While relationship with God since the beginning of time has worked inside out by faith that has moved people from glory to glory without fail, the religious mode of works that tries to reach God have worked outside in and have always fallen short of the Glory of God ever since for all who have ever tried it!" — Abraham Israel

"You cannot live a challenging life without ever facing challenges to overcome it. As much as joy is a part which you receive at the end of all victory, sorrow and defeat are a part of life challenges in the process of victory. No one can really understand the fullness of joy, without going through equally the fullness of sorrow. God will play his part in setting up things for you to live a challenging life, it is only when you give up life thinking not about the future but rather about the sorrow and what seems to be a defeat, we miss the whole perspective of living a challenging life which can only excite us now and for eternity! That is why, learn to rejoice in the Lord at all times outside of your circumstances and you will do well. Farewell!" — Abraham Israel

"While miracles are visible and tangible when we go in for evangelism, the reason it is not that much visible in the Church week after week because Jesus is not trying to impress his people with His power. But rather He seeks obedience from his people the Church, while He seeks to draw the unsaved to salvation through dramatic miracles." — Abraham Israel

"Happy Pentecost Sunday! This is the day the Church was born on earth. Pentecost is the greatest event ever since the day of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus even until the day of Rapture, both of which falls on Sunday 'the Lord's day!' Rejoice the Holy Spirit has come to guide us and take us more and more in to the Glory of Jesus!" — Abraham Israel

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ : 

"Purity in sexual thoughts and actions are not a option, but rather a essential ingredient to holiness in our spiritual life that God expects us to attain through a partnership with Him to overcome sin in our lives. Confession of our sins to God keeps us in the highway of holiness, leads us to experience the heavenly life of His without fail and not get lost in our earthly pilgrimage. God has promised us that sin cannot have a upper hand in our lives when we fight sin using our one hand, and allow God to hold our other hand so that we could stand against evil in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not allow sin to enter your life, by allowing yourself to sin against those who sin against you. Forgive and forget, if it again comes to your mind, again forgive and forget, do it as many times until you forget what you have forgiven. In other words, every relationship that has hurt you, do not retaliate their deeds. Instead give God the time to make them repent in His time or take vengeance to show His power and control over their lives in defense and judgment on behalf of you. Until then you pray for them that God might change them just like He has changed you through the crisis. So that at the end of it all, God might be pleased to use you to fulfill His plans and purpose for your life through it all for the Glory of God with or without them!" — Abraham Israel

"Though darkness may surround us, when the Promises of God in His word which is the Bible is switched on by faith within our heart, our light within our heart is able to keep us joyful and hopeful of seeing the goodness of God without ever seeing or feeling it now. Your now is not forever, soon things will change when the timing of God come to fulfill His promises for you, you family and your nation. God's promises are the blue print for your future, so focus on it until it becomes a reality more and more in your life and living now and forevermore." — Abraham Israel

"God does not need love, but we do. God is already perfect in sharing His love among the three person who are one in essence of their nature, but as a child of God we have the privilege now to share and become a partaker of His nature and experience the same love in our lives among us to become perfect in Him to enjoy abundant life that He provides! I know I try to be perfect when I am not and cannot, but faith gives me a perfection that transforms my imperfection in Christ's perfection. Even though I am not where I ought to be, I thank God that I am not what I used to be. Glory be to God!" — Abraham Israel

"When we are young we have time and health but no money to do what we want, when we grow up we have health and money but no time to do what we want, and finally when we become old we have wealth and time but no health to do what we want before we come to a dead state where we cannot do what we want anymore but can only wait for God to judge our life and give us what we deserve if we have lived by unbelief or gift us with what we do not serve if we have lived by faith, what does this teach us regarding this earthly life? In this earthly life God does not give all men all things at all times with all good health to do what they want because He wants us to realize that we are being prepared for a life greater than this one where all things at all times with all health will be given to us as a gift to Glorify Him for eternity if we use this short span of life for the Glory of God and His eternal Kingdom. The next time you want to prioritize, let go of your time, treasure and healthy talents in to the hands of God to do His will now, so that you can be assured that you will be given all the time, treasure and talents to do what will give you joy for the rest of the eternity working for the Glory of God! So simply do not do what you want, but rather choose what God wants you to do with your money, time and health for His Glory now!" — Abraham Israel

"Jesus bore fruit for thirty years and used his gift to bless people for just three and half years. During the baptism of Jesus, God the Father testified about Jesus and further revealed to all how he has pleased Him perfectly in all things for nearly thirty years, before he did even one miracle. So the importance of fruit versus gift to every Christian thus is, ten is to one. Without bearing and growing in the fruit of His character, we cannot be pleasing to God after we are saved. We can prophecy, speak in the gift of tongues, work miracles, drive demons and yet can be on the way to hell fire without being saved by Jesus Christ. Salvation is a event, while sanctification is a process. But without salvation there can be no opportunity to get sanctified. So get saved to have faith and assurance of salvation, before it is too late because of becoming late." — Abraham Israel

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