Monday, January 28, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"The Kingdom of God is not just attending a church service, or just having fellowship with other saints, or it is not just eating and drinking, or just knowing all the doctrines of the Bible, or just keeping the traditions of our forefathers of faith who passed it on to us, is more than all of it put together. It is letting the rule of God from heaven to rule and reign in to every little area of our lives and living on earth, where righteousness, peace and joy gets saturated in the atmosphere of our heart, soul and mind within us for the Glory of God. As the law abiding citizen of the Kingdom of God, we live by the Love of God through the strength of God's power of His Grace. Don't go searching for the Kingdom of God in the political world to influence it or expect it to be conformed to what you believe to become disappointed soon, instead understand that the Kingdom of God is within you that cannot be destroyed, and therefore live by its power within and let the world know that our Kingdom is unshakable and therefore we will reign forever and ever with God as we choose to live as its ambassador now to be rewarded later for all eternity!" — Abraham Israel

"The greatest gift given by God to all humankind next only to His Son who is the creative Word of God is the written Word of God. So cherish the written word of God in your heart as long as you live, and you will never ever perish because of your faith in the creative Word of God who always speaks His blessings over your life when your heart reaches out to Him and Him alone!" — Abraham Israel

"Every human on earth has the light of his own conscience, light of the nature, light of the Word of God, light of the Gospel, light of the life of Christians as a testimony to the light of God, light of God to all humans through the visions, dreams and supernatural happening in the world around us, light of the evidence of the impending natural disasters and God's judgment on sinning people in all the world, light of God in the heavenlies through the known and unknown galaxies that reveals our limited knowledge and God's infinite knowledge of the unknowable, and above all God Himself who has revealed his Son Jesus Christ as the eternal light to this dark world....These are the many many lights of God that are available from God as the direction-sign post to point to the one light of the world who has come to save us all from our sins through Jesus Christ. We will only have these lights available as long as we live on this planet earth physically, so while we have the light of God through various ways, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to choose to receive the light by receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior in our heart to become the children of God for eternity ahead. So believe and receive the light now in Christ Jesus and continue in it to experience eternal life with God forever and ever. Knocking on closed doors of heaven is useless after death, if we cannot realize now that those same doors are meant to be opened only for those who took the citizenship of heaven already by accepting the Lord Christ Jesus as their Savior when they were alive on earth then. In this case, it is true that every opportunity to get saved that becomes lost now while alive is an opportunity lost for all eternity then after our death. Any opportunity to get saved gained now is an opportunity gained for all eternity to receive all of its benefits. Amen!" — Abraham Israel

"Tithe and offerings we do not give to God in order to get something more physically, financially, socially and soulishly so that we can gain something out of it now, but rather we choose to give our tithe and offerings to God to acknowledge to God that we have gained in Him already spiritually what we cannot lose even for eternity, that is, a eternal friendship with Him to be His beloved children forever and ever. God cannot give anything more valuable than His only Son Jesus Christ, whether we are able to understand it now mentally with our limited processing capability or not does not matter. And so out of gratefulness to God, we give out physically, financially, socially and soulishly to build His Kingdom on earth for what He has already given to us spiritually even for eternity! In other words our tithes and offerings are meant to be the following words from our heart to express to God that we will serve Him even if we do not receive any more physical blessing or any other from God while we are alive now, because we understand that our pay day for what we lose for Him now through what we have gained spiritually for eternity, is coming very soon to bless us again in all areas of our life after we die and go on to be with the Lord forever and ever and even for eternity! A man and woman of God cannot lose something physical now for which he is again going to gain again in multiplied percentages in all areas of his life for eternity!" — Abraham Israel

"Children are the closest thing that resemble heaven, because in them we learn to mature in our Character to avoid repeating the same mistakes we have done by accepting chastisement from God for our own good, and with boldness we approach our Heavenly Father to receive his forgiveness and grace through developing a child-like trust to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and become its heir because of being born in to God's family. We cannot recognize the voice of Jesus within us to lead us in to perfect harmony with heaven in our life and living, unless we become like a little child to trust our Heavenly Father's good plans and purposes to prosper us in every areas of our life now and forevermore. Never abuse children or abort them for heaven's sake, instead adopt them and give them the life they long to reveal by teaching them and disciplining them in the way of the Lord to become a disciple of Jesus, and they will bring great blessing to you and to the whole world for the Glory of God. You never know what kind of trees of eternal blessings they will become to the needy world around us, only heaven knows their infinite value. Every unborn and born babies are closely watched by heaven to be preserved, and every abortions and abuse against children will have to be given account before the Lord soon. Without the sweet smiles, soft touch and heavenly cry of a baby born anew, the world is becoming more like hell than heaven especially in our perverse generation that treats children as play toy rather than a gift of heaven! Be not childish, but become childlike in your faith for the Glory of God and continue to pursue the perfection of God in Christ Jesus till you die because you cannot grasp a ocean of knowledge and wisdom in a day which takes eternity to spiritually digest fully." — Abraham Israel

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Friday, January 25, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"You can follow God by letting him rule you, or you can allow mammon of money and comfort to rule you and deny God a place to save you from sin and eternal death. You cannot follow both, only one can become your Master. To whom you obey, you become its slave. God wants you to be saved from sin and live for eternity with Him in the goodness of His friendship and always under the shadow of His wings as His dear child. Satan wants to appeal to your temporal passing pleasure of sin to keep you as his slave forever. Are you willing to let go of yourself and let God take control of your life as your Father in Heaven whose purpose you are willing to fulfill by obeying Him in all things? If yes, say amen!" — Abraham Israel

"Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just uttering some gibberish nonsensical words to boast as a supernatural phenomenon that occurred to us, because even the devils can counterfeit it all. But when a believer starts to get filled by the Holy Spirit with the external evidence of speaking in tongues, there comes a new power to be a witness for Jesus which was not there before. A Peter who denied Jesus three times just as He foretold, suddenly gets filled with power to speak like Jesus and act boldly like Jesus from the day of Pentecost. The apostles who were in the hiding even after seeing the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ with their eyes and having even touched Him with their hands, suddenly after they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they all came out in full force to witness Him before scoundrels, religious nuts, political tyrants, rich and poor, etc. If we search for the secret to this sudden transformation in their lives, there is no other secret to their lives except the one thing that made a difference in their lives, that is, all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to utter thanks and praise to God in other tongues. The more they continued to speak, the more they began to stay full of power, because it was not just gibberish words, but prayers designed by the Holy Spirit and prayed through them that opened the heavens above to fill them with boldness as lions against devilish spirits which were working against them that kept the gates of hell at bay, and made them live as the true ambassadors of heaven on earth for the Glory of God! Do you want to be an ambassador of heaven, be filled with the Holy Spirit and be being filled with Him as long as your live, and for sure, God promises to keep you to be an effective agent of heaven on earth for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!" — Abraham Israel

"The greatest revelation to come to a person who believes in Christ Jesus, is the fact that they are irrational, illogical and senseless towards their own spiritual life because of the disease of sin that spreads like leprosy in their soul, it makes them to run to God for refuge day after day to make them alive with the heavenly life that kills sin so that this soul disease cannot spread more to cause devastation in their life and in others lives. Jesus the Master healer is constantly in search of one repentant sinner than all the ninety nine selfish pious religious nuts who need no repentance or breaking of themselves to be a blessing to others. God only can bless those whom He breaks, so when you get broken in life, repent and look to the Lord so that He can transform you from being a broken vessel to be a vessel of blessing to many many around you to bring Glory to God! The greatest blessing we can receive from God is to be a blessing." — Abraham Israel

"The difference between fasting and dieting can be as wide as eternity which has no end and a earthly life of 70 or 80 years which comes to an abrupt end when we die. But the riches of our heavenly life depends on how we use our earthly life in the amount of percentages for the Glory of God. So which is more valuable, definitely the life to come, but earthly works which are preordained by God should be lived in full throttle to gain glory for the Lord now, and riches of His Glory for ourselves in the life to come. So earthly life is as important as the heavenly life in this present time to show to the world that we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ our Lord who rules us from heaven. It is better to wear out for the Lord than to get rust out by the world and live eternally poor in the life to come. So fasting once in a while is very necessary according to the leading of the Spirit, as there is no set rules anywhere in the New Testament laid on us regarding this. But it is wise to humble ourselves through fasting at least once a week and also keep ourselves young and vibrant to be active enough to fulfill the plans and purposes of God for us in this generation for the Glory of God! In other words, if you keep yourself fit spiritually through fasting and keeping your soul stably humble and loyal before God, automatically you will be fit before men for the Glory of God." — Abraham Israel

"The real courage and holy boldness of a man or a woman of God is not just to fight for anything and everything, but to fight for things that matters the most for eternity even when the enemy cannot be traced with our natural human eyes and senses but only by our heart." — Abraham Israel

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Even the best of saint is a worst of sinner if seen through the perfect holiness of the Lord. God does not see us as we see ourselves, but rather He sees us in Christ Jesus just as He sees Him. So how we see ourselves in Christ Jesus will make us become like Him whom we focus on. In our natural state with out God, we are all sinners who deserve hell fire for our sins, but thank God that all our inadequacies have become adequate enough in Christ Jesus to qualify us for a heaven which we do not deserve the least. We embrace a God whose mercies have reached from heaven to earth through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, now the sacrifice of faith which was sent by God in to us for His Glory has reached us and have been rooted in us through the same faith, that we are now able to send back to Him our sacrifice of thankfulness and praise towards God for whatever we have received thus far out of His benevolence. Grace upon grace, faith to faith and from glory to glory through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord has been showered and being rained upon us now and forever! The little or great answer to all our prayers comes not because we are good, but rather because He is. May we learn to take our focus from ourselves and focus on the God who justifies the ungodly like us for the Glory of God." — Abraham Israel

"Christ becomes our everything only when we lose our everything of ourselves but hold tight to Him alone who deserves our glory, honor and praise!" — Abraham Israel

"God is good not because of how we behave, but because of who He is in His holiness and purity of Character which we believe. Even when we are unfaithful, God is faithful and that is the basis of the essence of God's goodness in Christ Jesus." — Abraham Israel

"The Holy Spirit is not just a feeling, a presence, a influence, a power in demonstration, He is the person who is a gentleman and is sensitive to keep quiet when ignored. So next time you heart gets lifted up to make you think that you know a lot and need no help, take a step back and say to the Holy Spirit, 'Lord I need your help, I do not know as I ought to know. Lead me on, I will follow you....' When you are in such attitude of humbleness and have a lowliness of heart and mind, you are on a adventure course to see heaven on earth day after day, because to such a person God is on a mission to work on behalf of them to make Himself know in all His power, to them and through them to the whole world uniquely to bring Glory to God as they are loyal to Him in their life!" — Abraham Israel

"Problems continue to be a problem only until we keep it to ourselves and try to solve it by our our limited ability, but once we have faced the problem and continue to transfer the case day after day to the Lord of all breakthroughs whose ability is infinite and limitless, He has a billion ways to solve the puzzles of life in His own time and place to bring Glory to God. So have faith, come to Jesus and experience the rest of heaven through daily prayers until all the rest of the earthly sorrow and sighing flee away to release you fully in to His glorious and extravagant liberty that lifts your heart and make you stay in heaven even as you continue to live on earth! GLORY!" — Abraham Israel

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"When we know who we are as a child of God, we can easily choose to think of ourself less, because by thinking lowly of ourself can keep a check to maintain our right attitude of love towards God and others, so that we can be ever conscious of the truth that all that we have received in our lives has been received from God as a gift. And the only reason for us to rejoice is to thank and praise God all the time for whatever gets achieved through our gifts. In other words, as we choose to think of ourself less and not in any way think less of ourself to demean ourselves, we rightfully start to exercise the authority of God and His graces more and more as a child of God. As we know that the Lord God our Father resists the proud but give more graces to the humble in heart. If what we know becomes a hindrance to block the view of what we ought to know, then we have lost focus on what is important to our spiritual growth and have started to concentrate of what is not necessarily bad or unjust, which when let to rule us without removal of such attitudes as soon as possible, becomes potent enough to make us lose our right perspective which is to focus on what is required by God to grow spiritually and prosper for the Glory of God!" — Abraham Israel

"Unbelief is the natural state of every fallen humans who are born on earth as the sons and daughters of Adam. Because of unbelief which is sin, we start to breathe in sin and live as sinners in need of the Savior constantly, just like a fish needs to be in oxygenated water to be saved from death. It is God's kindness and love that He has initiated first that brought us salvation from sin through His vicarious death and glorious resurrection thereafter for the Glory of God. Now that we are brought in to the living water where oxygen of God's life abounds, let us stay away from the toxic and gutter water of sin that chokes us often with its tentacles to make us gasp for the breath of life. If we do not realize the horror of sin, we cannot ever realize the value of the gift of righteousness of salvation that God has provided freely to us in Christ Jesus. Faith puts the righteousness of God in to action in our lives and acts as the rescue apparatus to keep us from entering the gutter water of unbelief. Holiness is God's wall of protection in our spiritual lives that comes through His righteousness, that keeps us from straying in to gutter and toxic water of sin that thrills temporarily but kills the abundant life of God that we enjoy naturally as the children of God. As unbelief is natural for an unbeliever, so is faith to a believer in Christ Jesus. Do not try to work out your faith, but rather work out your salvation over sin by having power over it without giving in to its lure internally by faith that already works within you! Let the power of faith overcome the power of sin in your life for the Glory of God. Every time a child of God overcomes his temptation to sin and repents of his sinful deeds, a joyful party of angels and saints are let loose in heaven on their behalf which keenly watches over every area of their lives to proclaim the Glory of God." — Abraham Israel

"Every new dream is not the end of the old, but rather a redirection with a renewed strength given to us by God to fulfill His ultimate purpose for our life. God works all things together for good, because only He has the ability to work all impossibilities to become possible for us in our lives. He is the one and only Master puzzler who never gets puzzled because of lack of solution! Our responsibility towards Him is to love Him and know within us that we are called according to His purpose at all times. God is never caught off guard to get surprised what to do next because He knows the end from the beginning, and it is all part of His plan that we should understand and accept to keep the mystery of His surprises that He sends towards us in peace within us to avert ourselves from getting stumbled in our faith. The puzzler is on course until you experience the solution. So keep dreaming the new and still believing the old to set the next goal, because you are on your way to see the fulfillment not in part but as a whole without the puzzle holes!" — Abraham Israel

"The Love of God is the one eternal constant that never ever changes in the entire universe. The Lord does not love you today more than He has loved you yesterday, and the Lord cannot love you tomorrow more than you He is loving you today, now! But our understanding about His love is like a wave of water that keeps changing based on what we believe in the present time as we have a fallen sinful soul that tries to dictate our emotion. So a man and woman of faith gets rooted in the love of God through the belief they have in the Word of God and not based on what they think He is at present based on their circumstances. Wearing a dark glass makes the world around us look dark when we see through it. So it is our duty to obey what God says about Himself by removing the veil over our eyes by believing what the Word of God says, and not what we think it says. So meditate yourself constantly on the Word of God and keep yourself in the love of God by praying in the Spirit to ignite His Word always in your heart in every situation which will make you give thanks and praise to Him. God loves us not because of what we do for Him, but because of what He has done for us already in Christ Jesus which makes us worthy of His constant love. Do your part by believing the Word of God and meditating on it constantly, then pray looking for the mercies of God to keep you in the Love of God. Thus you will be rooted and grounded in the Love of God for the Glory of God. Amen!" — Abraham Israel

"In the Old Testament times, leprosy was a disease God wanted people to treat as something due to sin done by them or by their forefathers, so the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent and his head uncovered, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip and shall cry, unclean, unclean. In fact, in many cases this disease was demonstrated to be a direct result of indulging in sin knowingly. So even in our times the disease of sin is at loose in the lives of all human being, but those who know that they have become unclean because of this deadly disease of sin which God hates and that which destroys man, shall cry aloud to God knowing how serious it is, before it eats away our life. The God of mercy and grace is infinitely compassionate as He has showed himself in Jesus and through Him, to those who seek relief from it by seeking him. Sin shall not have dominion over us, if we let loose God's dominion in and through us by obeying Him by choosing to switch on the new nature of Him as His child and switch off the old Adamic nature which is sinful and corrupt. Don't cry to God saying help me overcome sin and keep on falling in to it because God has already answered your prayer by imparting his very own nature in you to overcome when you believed Jesus and became his child for His own glory, instead choose to overcome sin by putting off the old nature which automatically switches on the new nature of God within. Praise the Lord!" — Abraham Israel

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Monday, January 7, 2019

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Jesus is the Master doctor of all human soul, sent by God to seek the lost souls like us who deserve hell fire for our sins, and rescue us out of it by helping us to repent of our sins towards God through making us become the children of God by helping us believe Him. Now that we have become the children of God, we approach Him crying out by the help of the Holy Spirit saying, 'Abba Father' not because of the fear of avoiding hell fire for our sins, but rather because of our love which we show towards Him in gratitude for having saved us from hell and giving us heaven which we do not deserve the least. God was the one who first reached out to save us from our sins when we were sinners with no one to help us in our pitiable state of condemnation. But God in His mercy, grace and love have saved us in Christ Jesus without any of our effort but just our belief! God is good all the time, but he becomes to us good when our mind opens up to understand how much He is good through experiencing His love and letting it be show to others who do not deserve the least of it likewise through us. Repentance is not a one time cry of our heart towards God to save us from sin and take us to heaven, but rather it is a realization that we who were sinners who have become saved saints need Jesus to overcome sin in our life for the good health of our sin sick soul daily, so that we may learn to experience what the Love of God is, not when we enter heaven, but rather on earth to make it to become heaven in this life itself which is a foretaste of what it will be like for us in our afterlife! Glory to God!" — Abraham Israel

"If overcoming sin is not one of the main reason for rejoicing, then all other rejoicing pales in significance in the sight of God because it is the One after which even the zeroes you put gets added in value to the whole. Sin is the reason that took the Son of God to the Cross, that is why overcoming sin is the only gratitude we can show to the Father God and our dear Lord Jesus who did it all for us together and thus bringing salvation from sin to our spiritual life. Never forget saints, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of this present life are the Satanic hold that Satan and his demons operate with legally in our soul, the love of the Father God is not present in us when we operate in this soulish realm. But once we break free by taking a good choice moment by moment to break the jinx of the lure of sin, we truly then draw our power on earth from heaven through our spirit within to not only overcome sin but also live entirely for the Glory of God! God gets glorified the most when we live a overcoming holy life over sin in the secret life of our heart, we get glorified publicly from God when He finds us faithful in keeping the hidden life of our heart cleansed and purified by His blood day after day in His sight. Live your best life now, not in earthly extravagance but in the much neglected area of the spiritually valuable life of overcoming sin which brings us all a eternal significance and comfort directly from God! Run away from sin with all your might each day of your life, then you might not have to run after God because the more you run away from sin the nearer you will find yourself with God." — Abraham Israel

"God's generals are not great people chosen for great work by God, but in fact they are weak people trained in the wilderness isolation by God to become the strongest for the greatest work of spreading the gospel of His Kingdom in all the earth. God chooses the nobody to make them become somebody in His sight for the Glory of His name! None of the godly can bypass the school of isolation if they want to be used greatly of God. It is when walking alone we learn that none can continue with us without leaving us nor forsaking us forever except God and God alone. God isolates us to train us for eternal greatness, none of us can ever come to the never ending conscious Presence of God within us unless we are trained in God's school of wilderness. The sooner we die to our flesh, the easier it will be for God to help us pass through the course of hard knocks wilderness training in flying colors and bring us in to the place of abundance through the ever abiding Presence of God to bring heaven to earth. Strong leaders in the Kingdom of God are not born, but they are made by God before we see them show themselves up on behalf of God! If you have been through God's school of hard knocks, be encouraged, you are destined for greatness and leadership of great honor in the Kingdom of God. You go...go... man and woman of God, you are destined not just for greatness but for eternal greatness!" — Abraham Israel

"God does not really hide himself in trouble, but rather He stays invisibly near us and watches over us through the ordeal of our lives to make us strong in faith without fear. God understands our pain when we go through the endeavors to fulfill His eternal destiny for our lives, but still he gets pleased as a loving Father because in spite of seeing the hardships we go through, he is able to see very clearly what we are going to become as a channel of His mighty blessing to the world around us. Because God looks upon the greater good, he overlooks the lighter bearable temporal suffering we go through by supplying His grace to overcome. God sees the end from the beginning and He sees with surety the expected end we are going to reach, so take heart, work with God having faith that He is beside you even when you do not see Him or feel Him even a shade of Him. Because great works are achieved by great faith which believes and sees the end to work towards it to achieve it for the Glory of God. When we work with faith believing what we cannot see or feel with our natural senses, the reward of faith is to see with our natural senses what we have until then believed with our heart. The rewards are great and eternal if we choose to move in faith with God trusting His promises and faithfulness, and the vacation we get never ceases to end because the joy that we receive for it takes us out of this world even when we continue to live in this world!" — Abraham Israel

"God hides from all humans flesh, because only the sincere seekers in faith please Him enough to make Him reveal Himself to them because of their persistence and perseverance. God is not interested in those who have no interest to know Him but just want to consume whatever He gives. It is a mystery how humans start to seek God, in fact, all the unsolvable human need is an opportunity for God to show Himself to them and make them seek not just His hand but His face and image in which we are all created so that through worship we can become transformed in to His very image. God's greatest and loudest shout is not with decibels, but absolute silence. The next time you feel all alone in life with silence everywhere you turn, stop turning and stand still to understand that God is standing underneath your skin and is knocking on the door of your heart saying, 'Do you have space for me in your heart?' Have you ever thought that in God we breathe and move and have our being? In other words, God is closer to us than the air we breathe. But are we really interested in knowing Him? Have we sought God enough to consistently seek daily for Him to manifest in our lives and living? If God is not the reason for us to live, there is no reason for us to live at all. A God who hides, is the God who is looking all over the earth looking down from heaven to know who on earth is seeking Him. If you are a God-seeker, you are destined to become a heaven-dweller to spend eternity with Him. Seek God until you die, love God till you are lost in Him and live for God until eternity starts and you can measure time no more!" — Abraham Israel

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Today's Bible Verse To Ponder Over

✞◎∂αƴ❝ṧ ฿їßℓε Ṽℯґṧℯ ✞ℴ ℙøηḓℯґ ϴṽ℮я :

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Philippians 4:8).

You can never change your attitude unless and until you change the thoughts you think in your mind. Satan and his demons are specialized to attack our souls to keep us depressed, sullen and whining because it is their legal ground to stand and do their sadistic work of stealing, killing and destroying because of our fallen nature of sin within us. But the good news from our Lord Jesus Christ is, though you might feel that way for a while in the night, surely a morning of joy is on the way for all those who keep their thoughts positive and keep their spirits high by using their supernatural resource of joy from heaven which is in their spirit man as the new creation child of God. Understand that those who live by their soul are soulish, and those who live by the spirit are only spiritual.

The spirit never gets tired or sullen any time any place because it is a gateway to heaven's glory on earth put within a child of God to wade through the troubles of this life for the Glory of God and inherit the eternal riches of God which He has in store for every child of His like us. So learn to renew you mind and thoughts with the quickened thoughts of God from your spirit man, by learning to rejoice in tribulations, praising God in all trials, thanking God with an attitude of gratitude for both the good and the bad, be content in all circumstances, continue to do the good works that God has prepared for you to do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in all situations and at all times, which is the only way to educate ourselves to live in this troubling and unstable world in a stable way by keeping our mind in heaven, feet on earth and our hands doing the work of the Lord for His Glory always until we see our King Jesus Christ in His Kingdom face to face and rule with Him for the rest of eternity. GLORY...!

We are only as earthly good as our last thought that we have chosen to dwell on, so constantly meditate the word of God to linger in it and overcome all the earthly troubles with the heavenly sword of God which protects your mind from all the spiritual enemies who trouble you in this world! Be spiritual but stay in the Word of God, for in it lies your prosperous present as well as your future which you invest through it for eternity ahead! When we choose to present our mind to God by thinking the Word of God, a door to the heavenly world beyond this earthly world opens up to keep us stay in the heavenly joy that God gives to his children!

SAY A PRAYER THAT CHANGES THE WHOLE YEAR: Dear Father in Heaven, I thank and praise you for taking care of me until now in my life. Help me constantly think your very thoughts on earth by choosing to meditate upon the Word of God all the time, and thus bring heaven to earth all year around. I believe for a heavenly attitude to arise within me this coming year more than ever before. I give you all the Glory always for each and everything in my life and living! Amen!

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