Monday, December 31, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"It is not whether time ticks on that matters, but for whom it gets ticked is very important to store a good foundation for the time to come where eternal riches of untold wealth of authority, honor and power awaits for all those who chose to tick their time for Jesus Christ. They will be welcomed home in heaven very soon by the King of Kings Jesus Christ on their arrival, as none but those eternal billionaires who stood the test of time to spend their time for the Lord Jesus Christ constantly will spend their eternity in nothing but riches which will never ever perish. Spend time constantly day by day in the coming year ticking it with thanksgiving, praise and worship from your heart to express you love for God in Jesus Christ whom He sent to make us eternally rich on earth, because when our heart ticks in the same frequency of heaven, soon enough the atmosphere around us on earth starts to become a heaven on earth, as every tick from our heart spent now for Christ Jesus get echoed with tock from heaven in approval which creates a ripple effect of great eternal investment for eternity ahead! Be wise in the coming year to invest in riches that can never ever perish, so that you can be rich towards God in heaven as well as fulfill your purpose on earth which God has called you to fulfill." — Abraham Israel

"What better thoughts we can think on earth than to think the very thoughts of God to let loose the power of God's positivism of heaven in to our heart, mind and soul to affect our body to influence the world around us through the Word of God!" — Abraham Israel

"Faith is going beyond reason in to the realm of eternity hidden in our heart, it is like a eternal space suit we put on ourselves through our belief in the Word of God to go beyond time, space and matter to touch God Himself and feel Him personally close to us in our day to day experience. That which the mind is not able to comprehend, the heart is able to apprehend! Faith is beyond reason because faith moves, lives and breathes in the eternal zone of God which transcends our mind." — Abraham Israel

"When you are called by God and love Him so much, then God will wreck your good and better plans if He finds that it is going to wreck His best eternal plans of peace and prosperity! Never feel bad when God wrecks your plan because when He does that, you can stay assured for the rest of your life that the best is yet to come to you personally from Him. Love God, live for God and show the light of God to the world around you! Let go and let God, then everyday day will be more exciting than the day before as God's plan for your life gets unfolded to make you fulfill His destiny for your life!" — Abraham Israel

"The works of the devil starts with spreading lies against God, promoting sin that God hates, spreading hatred in one people group against the other, etc...which all come under the category of darkness that his kingdom represents in rebellion against God's kingdom. When Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who is the only begotten Son of God came from heaven as the humble son of Man in this earth, he did turn the world in darkness upside down by obeying God perfectly in all things from his childhood onwards, doing good works through speaking the truth about God, promoting holiness that God loves, spreading love and good will in one people group for the other, uniting the world which is divided by culture, color, language, caste, creed by letting loose the fire of the Holy Spirit and uniting the divided world supernaturally by the phenomenon at Pentecost and as a result established God's kingdom beachhead on earth. Humans were divided at Babel to seek God because of uniting together in rebellion against God, they were not divided to remain like that to develop hate against each other without God, but rather to get united very soon in God and love each others as Brothers and Sisters, heart in heart, hand in hand to take care of each other to spread the love of God. So in our times as we obey the word of Jesus and keep His commandments of love, to love God and love fellow humans, we are letting out the light of God to fill the earth like the water covers the sea, thus dispelling the darkness that hides the face of God in the world at large. We are not trying to win with God, we are winners already in Jesus Christ who are out in the world to tell its people that we are winners as we are destroying the works of darkness in our lives too like Jesus and they can become winners too in their life if they join us in following after Jesus in their lives too! Hallelujah! Satan and his demons can only roar to fill people with fear, but they cannot touch us who are the children of God unless the Lord allows it for our own good." — Abraham Israel

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"God promises a prosperous ending for all those who fear God, even though they have to wade through a rough and tough life to reach the destiny that God has designed for them beforehand to make them walk in it by faith. So never rejoice by what you harvest, but rather by what you have sown and have continued to sow in your life through tears of toil and hard work, because as time goes on in life, when others start to fail by their flesh, you will arise to succeed more and more in your life because whatever you have sown keeps coming back to you in prosperity and peace in all areas of your life, so that the latter end will be mightier than ever before to bring glory to God. For us who walk by faith, all will be well because it will end well! Guaranteed by God, executed by us, and experienced in fulfillment in perfect partnership with God by faith. Hallelujah! Even though God has not guaranteed a perfect start or perfect run, He has guaranteed a perfect finish for all those who fear Him and walk in His way according to His will in their lives through the sacrifice of faith, thankfulness and praise! So the next time you become doubtful about your own usefulness to God and others, remember and keep moving by faith, as you are being made perfect through the sum of what you do in between the start and the finish, be encouraged that when it is all added at the end of your life by God He has guaranteed a perfect finish which will make you enjoy the benefit of your earthly ride for the rest of eternity!" — Abraham Israel

"The Christ-mas is mass celebration of Christ. There can be no better Christmas than having a thankful one, because in it we realize the true meaning of what it means to experience the gift of the grace of God in the epitome of human flesh in Christ Jesus!" — Abraham Israel

"Failure is never final, success is never ending for all the children of God who are schooled in God's heavenly educational institution of faith. Faith is a miracle of heaven, conceived in the womb of human hearts when the seed of the Word of God is sown within it and nurtured to create the life of heaven on earth and change the earthly atmosphere to a heavenly one. Those who live by the power of the Word of God will always choose to stay positive in this negative world, because to them success is failure turned inside out. Those who try will never become dry, as God has set a fountain of joy to cheer you up at every corner you hit an impasse. With God working with you, nothing is impossible for you!" — Abraham Israel

"Staying positive in a negative world is not just a calling for us in Christ Jesus, it is the very basis of our faith that drives us to stand strong and see life on earth as it is in heaven." — Abraham Israel

"Only dead fishes go with the flow, those alive go with a glow against the flow." — Abraham Israel

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"We should never be fearful to handle the true currency of eternal faith of once saved always saved that establishes us and enlighten us in the deep rooted works of faith, just because there are counterfeit of once saved always saved that deceives people without external works that is the only testimony to their inner faith according to the Bible. Instead we should learn to use the true faith so often so that we may find the counterfeit in a moment of time for the Glory of God. That which we have gained by our effort, we can lose by our own lack of effort. The salvation which we have gained by God's effort through Christ Jesus on the Cross, cannot be lost by lack of effort on our part because God has promised to finish until the end that which He has started to work in partnership with us in salvation. We do our part in taking a decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior of our life by our free will given to us by God, God does his part in keeping the salvation which we have inherited secure until the very end of our earthly life and for the day of Rapture through which we start our heavenly service for God even though we were until then will already be in heaven with God in worship and praise waiting for the redemption of our own meta-physical body. Glory to God!" — Abraham Israel

"There are certain sins that so easily ensnares us, this sin can be called a besetting sin or a sin we have already overcome by the grace of God, only God and us individually will know very clearly what it is and Satan also knows what it is because he is the one who has always used this as a weapon against us to make us feel condemned and unworthy of serving the Lord in love towards Him. God has allowed this weakness to be exploited by Satan, but in reality God has embraced us with his mercy, grace and love to be made know to us through it all. What Satan does against us to do His evil work, God turns in to something good and to reveal Himself and His power more and more to us. So never be discouraged regarding anything that Satan does against you, soon that which Satan has done will be used by God to bless you and make you a blessing to many. Make sure that the dark spots in the soul created by Satan's lure through sin be wiped clean and uprooted often so that the weeds may not grow and crush the beautiful garden of God in our mind where the fragrance of God's word blooms and causes our thinking to be supernaturally transformed in to a heavenly one, by sincere confession and repentance towards God through faith in the crimson blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses and makes us as white as snow within us. You can never be condemned or made unworthy when the robe of righteousness that you wear is not on your own but is purely the righteousness of Christ which you have made it to be your own by faith in it. Weakness within us are not allowed to harm us, but rather to make us seek God who teaches us to be meek so that we may inherit His image and likeness of Christ in us as a child of God, which makes us become the inheritors of the not just the present earth as it rulers for a millennium but also as rulers and servants of God in the eternal new earth for the Glory of God! GLORY!" — Abraham Israel

"There is no better belief than to believe that God is working all things together coherently to make His incredible plan of His work for you supernaturally. And though you do not see He is in fact constantly positioning your life by helping you stand in faith exactly where you need to be in order to be His effective witness for His Glory. You become the best when you are in God's will and you experience His best when you are waiting for His time to come. Nothing can overwhelm those who live by faith, until they are really overwhelmed by the blessings of God from heaven directly! Do not allow the enemy to discourage you because God is working for you because of your faith, and the only way Satan can stop Him from working is to discourage you enough to let go off your faith which is very precious to God and to you. Faith puts God to work, discouragement encourages the devil to work against you to destroy God's good plan for your life and living. Stand in faith, speak in faith and experience God's best for you by faith!" — Abraham Israel

"The phrase 'God Bless You' is the greatest privilege we have in dispensing to believers, unbelievers, enemies, friends, know and unknown, sinners and saints alike, and even to animals, plants, birds and every living thing on this planet earth, as the power we have as God's children over the creation is a untapped potential that no one has still found fully. God's direct promise and desire for His children, is 'I will bless you and make you a blessing...'. We are made in the image of God to shine forth and reflect the image of God in this planet, do bless others at every turn of your life, and life's turn will become straight enough to give you a blessed life path of heaven with out any crooked turn to hold your growth and prosperity on earth. God Bless You!" — Abraham Israel

"God will not fulfill His plan without our prayer, we cannot fulfill it without Him praying through us." — Abraham Israel

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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"God uses the useless, broken and scrap thrown out and considered as useless to people because in it God can show His genius working to the world around them that does not know Him and His mighty power and His ways which are always as higher as the heavens are above the earth. Unless God breaks a man fully, he cannot use the man fully to bless him and make him a blessing because only a broken man can give all the Glory to God for anything and everything back to God as he knows that he can do nothing without Him. God does not share His Glory with any man because it rightfully belongs only to His children who are called to inherit the riches of His grace, so allow God to break you until you are blessed fully by the riches of His heavenly grace, mercy and love that overwhelms you in it. The moment you choose to let go and let God, you are in the right place to get blessed and be a blessing to many many as a broken vessel of God to the world that is in need of Him. Hallelujah! Praise be to God!" — Abraham Israel

"End time theology is not just a doctrine to study, but a revelation to the heart which sets your life ablaze for God and makes you as God's unique messenger who burns and bursts forth in all direction like flames of fire which will allow God to blow on you His wind to use you to spread the fire of heaven to the whole world that is thirsting to experience Him." — Abraham Israel

"When we choose to seek the eternal pleasures of God at all cost, the passing away temporal pleasure of life will stop luring us away from the Love of the Father which is in Christ Jesus. When our love for God becomes more than the love for our own self, that is when the Cross keeps the self at death and the will of God starts to happen in whatever we choose to do by the grace and mercy of God! We cannot love both the world and the Kingdom of God seeking to fulfill His will at the same time, because each system of thinking stands diametrically opposite to the other system of thinking. So we must choose not to love the world, instead love God enough to seek to fulfill His will sincerely from our heart. Then when our will crosses God's will and we stand in the meeting point of it and let God nail us on the cross to our will through the circumstances that He brings to us, we might be hanging on the Crossroads of life, but God in his sovereign will have taken over our earthly life to fulfill His heavenly eternal plans and no one in the entire universe will be able to stop Him from fulfilling our destiny for us in joy, peace and satisfaction that will stay with us for eternity ahead! If you want to become an eternal excellence, let go and let God!" — Abraham Israel

"One man with God is always a majority, than a million men without Him. The man who walks alone with God in his private time, will not be afraid to speak openly about the truth of His walk with God to others in the public time. God only confesses worthy names of people living on earth before all the angels of heaven and saints who live over there with Him, who are bold enough in faith to go wherever and whenever He goes by His Spirit to speak fearlessly about Him and His Word before the people living on earth, to confess his great and mighty name, because of personally walking day in and day out with Him to please Him in all things and thus bringing glory to His mighty name as His dearly beloved children! Go where no one has gone before with God, and you will never feel alone long enough for you to remain sad without gladness rushing back to you like the mighty waves of the sea to overwhelm you once again in His love and mercies. You can always trust God when you know that you know that you are walking with Him, and that He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you! " — Abraham Israel

"The gold in the sin free world is good, but in this sinful world if we are not rich towards God, gold can become the god of our small temporal world and have the subtle power to act as a snare to deviate us from the heavenly calling of God to inherit eternal riches which can never be stolen or destroyed by anyone or anything of this world. When a person dies physically, that is when for the first time he will understand or be tested whether he is really eternally rich or was filthy rich, but now in the light of eternity is a poor eternal beggar or a condemned convict who would suffer in torment for eternity ahead! You can never continue to be poor when you are rich enough towards God in the light of eternity! The God of all riches who owns the entire universe, trains his children on earth to handle money properly now by giving them limited supply even though they own the earth and everything in it by legal rights. For all of God's children what ever they get, is only a bonus on earth but the real inheritance of the gifts of God's riches are only given in their after-life in the world to come which will be ruled by them for His own Glory! Put the gold in the proper place like in heaven where it is under the feet of all its inhabitants, and the rest of riches in heaven and also on earth will belong to you and to your descendants in the Lord Jesus Christ! Seek where God is from your heart, and you will go and inherit the place where gold is under you feet and all around you as yours to enjoy forever and ever because it will be actually yours as God's children." — Abraham Israel

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Today's Bible Verse To Ponder Over

✞◎∂αƴ❝ṧ ฿їßℓε Ṽℯґṧℯ ✞ℴ ℙøηḓℯґ ϴṽ℮я :

"But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path." (Eccl 7:29, NLT).

Demons are like a shadow that comes upon the souls of humans to deceive them to be led in to more darkness and destroy their lives ultimately at the end of it all. God has sent Jesus Christ his only begotten Son to help humans to switch on his heavenly light in order to make them see where they are at present in relation to their spiritual and eternal life of friendship with their Creator God. Every light that shines dispels darkness more and more, so now that God has given His Word as the light bulb through the Bible and the Holy Spirit as the power of God's electricity that flows from heaven to work coherently and help us switch on the bright light of heaven that shines bright in the dark souls of us humans where demons always tries to hide like cockroaches to get multiplied and make our thinking perverse to lead us in to confusion and rebel against God, let us be wise to use the light of heaven often to open up more and more dark compartments of our soul that has been held captive in fear, shame and isolation for long in our lives by the enemies of our soul Satan and his deceptive demons who hate the light of heaven.

Let us dispel all the darkness of our soul and the demonic thinking that oppresses us by switching on the heavenly light of God through our faith in the shed blood of Jesus which cleanses our souls and fills it with heavenly light through the confession of our sins to God and repenting of it in our attitudinal shift towards God. God made Adam and Eve in the beginning in His own spiritual image and created humanity as male and female to multiply, but sin came in to human lives when our forefather Adam sinned and rebelled against God, thus through it Satan and demons gained compartments of darkness to hide in our heart and created demonic departments to make us all sin and fall short of the glory of God, and through it oppress us with its slavery of perversity to create confusion in our mind against the very institution of creation and marriage which are God's direct institution under Him. God never created Adam with Eve's biological character for some, and Eve with Adam's character for some, it was sin that caused confusion in the minds of humans. So it is our legal right to ask God's help to switch on the illuminating heavenly light, and dispel the confusion of gender identity that exists in our times and generation due to demonic intrusion in the lives of people all around the world like never before because they all know that the end has come for their deceit to be completely wiped off the planet earth through the Kingdom of Jesus and his saints that is going to take over the world government forever and ever. GLORY! Amen.

LET US PRAY: "O Father of lights, in You there is no part of darkness and no shadow of turning, I thank you for perfectly creating us in your image of unity and holiness. When we chose our own downward path by failing to switch on the heavenly light in Christ Jesus, we became blind to the oppression of the enemy of our souls in sin and slavery. Help us open compartments after compartments, and departments after departments that has been sieged by darkness, so that we may live in the liberty of heaven all the days of our life like a bird in a air and not a caged bird in slavery to any demons or Satan their slave master. Open up our mind to look to you to correct the confusion and perversion that the evil One has let loose in our souls in various ways and means and methods because of not being vigilant to switch on the light of heaven in days past. Thank you for opening my eyes to see the realities of heaven and I praise you for opening my ears to hear from heaven your voice that guides gently to glory. Help me live as sons of light from now on forever and ever in Jesus mighty name Amen!"

Much Blessings....

Monday, December 10, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Every idol of the heart can become more dangerous to our spiritual life than the physical idol that people worship because the idol of the heart are subtle enough to deceive us to think that we are right in every area of our lives even when we are wrong with God in certain areas of our lives which God is primarily concerned about. Until we allow God to break the idols of our heart, we cannot become spiritual enough to be a true eternal blessing to others around us. God breaks us to make us better and therefore we should never lose heart and allow ourselves to become bitter for what we go through in our lives. When we sow with tears during the days God breaks us, we shall reap with joy in the days of harvest when God uses us to bless the world around us. Hallelujah!" — Abraham Israel

"Because God knows the end from the beginning, He is able to allow wounds that becomes a blessing, He allows a wreck that become a wealth, He allows a destruction that becomes a instruction for change, He allows a sorrow that becomes a gladness for life, He allows a wrong to become a right, He allows a curse that becomes a blessing ultimately, He allows a earthly rejection that becomes a heavenly embrace of greater friendship with God, He allows a purposeless happening becoming a pathway to fulfill God's purpose for eternity ahead. So it is unwise and unbelief to blame God for what can become a blessing to us if we believe Him through it all. God is the greatest designer of realigning and redesigning broken things, the good news is, he makes all things old to not only become new, but even better than the new He makes us become the best we ought to be. If you believe the new creation of Christ within you and use it to influence your life daily by walking according to God's instruction for your life, it makes you eternally refreshed enough to forget the old sorrow and crying, and remember the goodness of God in the land of the living to cause eternal thankfulness and praise to the Glory of God! God causes wreckage of plans that can wreck us, only to replace it with his best plans of His for our lives individually. Let go and let God!" — Abraham Israel

"Believing God for a miracle is not a rocket science to learn and practice, but a child like trust in the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father is all we need to inculcate in us to make available the faith and belief that makes heaven to become available for all our needs and wants in Christ Jesus, who has given us all the legal rights to access it through the shedding of His sinless blood to justify us and give us all a right standing before God and his angels in heaven for the Glory of God! Most assuredly I say to you, even a mustard seed size of faith in fullness when executed till the end is able to move the mountains of problems to be thrown in to the sea of oblivion for the Glory of God, and instead bring a new world of happenings and possibilities to be made available in reality through the grace of God! It is one thing to say believe, believe,... but it is totally another thing to believe and see great things in reality happening before our very eyes because of our belief. Never forget saints, the Word of God works powerfully only in those who believe! Hallelujah! Glory to God." — Abraham Israel

"Faith keep us positive because a living faith has no time to look to the past to regret, it believes God for a prosperous present and makes it to become a positive present gifted back to God through praise and thankfulness, and above all it looks to the future for satisfaction and contentment now because the future will be more glorious than the past or the present which God has promised to work out to give us as a gift of grace. God is much more concerned about our future and that is why He tells us not to waste our time thinking on earth about the past which we cannot change and forget it by giving it all to Him to work out for our good. He then tells us to utilize the present as a gift to receive and use it to rejoice, give praise and be thankful perpetually as this will release the power to change our future out of us. And then finally look to bigness of God and look for a future as big as Him because our future is only as big as the God whom we believe, who sees it apart from the past or the present but through the bigness of our future. Change what you can in the present, forget all about the past and be inspired to live looking to the great future God has in store for you! Positive thinking is not something that we produce to keep our self inspired, but it is the product of the faith practiced on day to day basis to give glory to God for what we shall become! Praise the Lord!" — Abraham Israel

"A worldwide Tribulation which is unprecedented is on the verge to be let loose in our generation as the signs of the times with the sound of a trumpet about the starting of the war in heavenlies to dislodge the old world for a new world system has been started, as the sound of it can be clearly heard as it is being blown by Jesus with the birth pangs of Tribulation starting up through famines, earthquakes in various places, famines causing wild fire, pestilence and diseases increasing with resistance to antibiotics or curing drugs, Tsunami's that redraws the boundaries of nations, wars and rumors of wars happening round the clock leading towards world war three, the wild world in forest invading human habitats, birds dying and becoming totally extinct because of invisible electro magnetic radiation that is let loose and is increasing in our 4G and 5G world day by day, rivers getting more polluted because of lack of proper recycling and carelessness in disposal of harmful effluents which then is affecting whole seas and oceans with toxicity, climatic changes that could become topsy-turvy to spread more disasters of nature, terrorism, hate and violence ..etc....unprecedented storms of apocalyptic proportion that uproots coconut trees and thrown it out like a twig in the air, flooding of whole cities around the world with dense population because of continuous and unseasonable and unexpected rainfall, falling away from true faith by being deceived by false prophets who come in Jesus Christ's name but not following his spiritual footsteps, loveless increasing because of break of family institution and bonding, the gospel is being preached by faithful men and women of God in the midst of all hate and opposition to where are we heading towards as humanity? Without doubt even if we turn for a moment to the Bible, we will without fail find the exhortation of Jesus saying again and again to the saints that during the time they see these above things happening, they should look up to heaven and learn to continually watch and pray to avoid this never seen before Tribulation that will come suddenly on earth after the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. So what are we waiting for, unless we learn to obey the words of Jesus, we have no part in the this greatest event of all history, THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH! Beware of being distracted by small things that make you miss the main thing of the eternal showdown that is going to happen between heaven and earth. Again I say, WATCH and PRAY! Remember, we are not the sons of darkness, but rather sons of light who know how we ought to be awake at the time when the Bridegroom our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus Christ comes to take away His Bride the Church for the Glory of God." — Abraham Israel

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Today's Bible Verse To Ponder Over

✞◎∂αƴ❝ṧ ฿їßℓε Ṽℯґṧℯ ✞ℴ ℙøηḓℯґ ϴṽ℮я :

"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Cor 5:21).

Now righteousness before God in this life and in the life to come cannot come by our righteous acts, but only by the righteous act of the One Lord and Savior of all humankind who is only one who have taken the law in his own hands and fulfilled it to perfection before the eyes of God. God gave witness to it by saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Moses through whom the law was given, even though he was the most humble man on earth present at that time, he took the laws in his hands from God who wrote on it and yet was not able to keep it perfectly in his life and thus have fallen short of the expectation of God. God wants hundred percentage righteousness which is only acceptable to Him because of His perfection, thus only Jesus Christ fulfilled God's expectation and none of the humans till today were able to keep it perfectly in their life by depending on Him hundred percentage all the time without even breaking one commandment of God even once in their life as all humans are born sinners who sin because of sin nature within us.

Jesus lifts up people from the pit of sin to all those who believe Him, through which He imputes His perfect righteousness of His in their account in heaven and imparts the same in to their to heart to make them become the very righteousness of God through a new nature deposited in their spirit supernaturally from heaven. In others words, Jesus becomes our righteousness and we become the righteousness of God now to ourselves and to others around us through the new nature of God which makes us His very own children. Now to overcome sin and wickedness of the world is not a choice to take for us, but rather it is a calling that God has given to live out the righteousness of God that we have become. When God sees us through Jesus Christ, we look to Him as righteous as Jesus is in His humanity which we have actually become by our faith! Hallelujah!

The next time your heart condemns you, say to your heart back, "I am the righteousness of God because Jesus my Lord has become sin for my sins and divinely exchanged my sin for His new nature of God. Now I am as righteous as God my Father is as I have become His dearly beloved child through my faith!"



Much Blessings....

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Apostolic Inspiration

"To the law and to the testimony [of the Bible] that acts as God's light to all humans, if they do not speak according to this word of truth, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Abi's Translation).

Every half truth is a half lie that can lead you to malnutrition in your spiritual life to cause spiritual disease and sickness that will affect you severely later if you do not take it seriously. Full truth is the balance of whole counsel of God kept in perspective as well as in context, that brings the right power to live a overcoming life over sin, self and Satan. Truth without reason soon becomes a half truth, that is why a sound reasoning mind does not work against the truth but rather for the truth to make us be rooted and grounded in it as we willingly submit to it. No parent will want a child to suffer malnutrition and to stay in the size of a child in wisdom and stature, instead they would like to see them grow day by day and experience maturity in all areas of their lives and living to multiply and prosper.

So does our Heavenly Father wants us to move from spiritual childhood to become a grown up adult who are sensitive enough to the moving of the Spirit to live increasingly in greater capacity of being led by Him personally within them day by day. Believing the Word of God does not stop you from working out your faith for God, instead it sets your spiritual engine ablaze with a holy fire to keep pushing your forward with a heavenly thrust to continue believing the promises until you see the fulfillment of it in your lives. To believe, and see nothing more to it, is a unbelief syndrome of religious hype that has a assembly religion of Churchianity and not a personal relationship with God, which is of no value to our spiritual life. A child of God who is serious about his faith and spirituality, will have an perpetual attitude of repentance which will lead him to confession of his sins regularly to Jesus Christ, and will look forward to overcome those sins which causes them to stumble and stay humble before God and men when God allows it for a certain reason and time. They will be cross-carriers who will willingly lose their self will to give in to God's will for its fulfillment even at at a personal cost that costs much more they can bear on their own, but by the grace of God will be able to face the ordeals which causes suffering to their flesh through which God allows it all to teach them to learn obedience for the glorious reward that is ahead to inherit.

Only going through this process of obedience day by day in spite of the personal cost, will only cause each saint to become sanctified and be conformed to the image of Christ. When people do not know about hell and judgment, they can neither be thankful for their salvation nor can fear God for the judgment that is coming ahead for reward for the righteous acts by saints done after salvation for the Glory of God, and condemnation for the unbelievers for their unrepentant attitude towards sins. May we be true seeker of truth and nothing but truth from the Bible which is the living Word of God, and let us never compromise ourselves in anything related to it, but rather grow in the whole counsel of God and also declare it to people for the Glory of God so that all of us together in the unity of the Spirit might live a healthy spiritual life and be rewarded and rejoicing for eternity ahead along with our friends in Christ!

Much Blessings....

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ €⌘ρ↳⊙ⓢ♗⊙♫:

"Property and money may face devaluation and even lose its purchasing power, but great character are always in demand with the God who has produced it over a period of time and stands behind it as its authenticity." — Abraham Israel

"We judge others the best when we judge ourselves with the same scale first." — Abraham Israel

"The character of a person is not fully shown by how he treat others the best he can, but rather when he treats his own people in the same scale of how he treats others without undue favors." — Abraham Israel

"A man of excellence is never known by what he gives out of what he has received, but rather by what he gives to all others around him by who he is as a person." — Abraham Israel

"Humans see a person's face to judge them first according to their appearance which is what they seem to be when they are not, God first sees the personality of the heart of people and judges them according to the content of their heart which is who they are in reality." — Abraham Israel

"You can ask a person to do something for you, but you cannot make them do it best for you without their heart involved in it." — Abraham Israel

"Love what you do with you whole heart and mind and soul, and you will become the best to be in what what you love to do." — Abraham Israel

"Never try to make people do what they are not, they will fail and not excel. But rather find what they are good at, and help them become better at it, they will never fail to excel because that is what they are good at." — Abraham Israel

"Never blame or belittle a human being for what he is not, rather learn to appreciate him for who he is because God has created each person uniquely with specific gifts that others do not have." — Abraham Israel

"Great people make people, small people break people. The greatness of people are not decided by their own ingenuity, but rather know by who they are guided by in life." — Abraham Israel

"You can excel in life when you are broken by God, but your willingness to allow him to break the way He wants, when He wants and to the length of time He wants will decide whether you are broken just to become earthly great or for eternal excellence. God breaks again and again to keep people in humility so that eternal excellence can be achieved in and through them." — Abraham Israel

"You are what you think in your mind all the time, you become what you allow your mind or train your mind to brood over for a long period of time." — Abraham Israel

"Obedience is God's pleasure, more than sacrifices because all of it has come from Him and goes back to Him without any change in His plans and purposes which is executed willingly out of love for Him. What we have is God's gift to us, what we do with whatever we have is our gift to God. Make sure you give the best gifts to God which is whatever you do with your whole heart in thankfulness and praise towards Him, who has given you the best in Christ Jesus in this life to glorify Him." — Abraham Israel

"There is not a limitation with God to anyone who has no limits in his mind." — Abraham Israel

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