Saturday, August 27, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Jealousy is feeding oneself with insecurity and lack of self-worth, while trying to feed others with lack of love and hate for what they are and what they have which you don't. As iron gets rusted when it is not properly taken care of, so does envy and jealousy start to depress and deteriorate the soul of those entertainers who entertain it, and finally it will melt one's bones with ill heath. Never drink the poison of jealousy and expect others to die. The best way to overcome jealously is to find your identity in Christ Jesus and know for sure that God has not given the same and equal gifts to all but rather has given gifts according to their ability with which He has designed them individually. But one thing is for sure, that is, He has given Himself and His love equally to all His children among whom we are one and only so precious to Him!" — Abraham Israel

"Looking at the infinite vastness of this universe and again looking in to the details with which God has created us individually, gives to us all a testimony of God's goodness and His interest towards us who are nothing but a speckle of dust in the enormous gigantic proportion of the galaxies and milky way. That teaches us one thing concretely in this life, if we want meaning and significance in this life, all we need to do is to get acquainted with God closely and know the value that God has placed on each of us individually." — Abraham Israel

"The Bible doesn't speak about a choice of humans to make between God or Satan, but rather it is God or Money which is the real choice every one has to make as we live and spend our days on earth day by day. There is no in-between choice to make and stay comfortable, so you can be a radical to choose God or you can become a redundant for the purposes of God and His kingdom by choosing money to rule over you. Money is the fish hook that Satan uses to keep all humans under his control, but those who choose God are set free from the slavery of the love of money and are invited to serve God with all their heart, soul and mind being filled with a supernatural love for Him and a sincere desire to fulfill His purpose." — Abraham Israel

"God cannot show any more greater Love towards mankind than giving up His only begotten Son Jesus the Christ to become a man and die for the sins of all of us humans which were forgiven through Him for all those who have accepted and believed Him. Believing Jesus and receiving Him to be our Lord and Savior decides whether we are willing to receive God or reject God's invitation to be a part of His eternal family. Hell was originally made for Satan and his rebellious angels, but because people want to reject God, they end up having a part for eternity in the tormented godless place of hell fire of the rebellious angels. When you choose Jesus you automatically choose God and avoid hell fire ahead!" — Abraham Israel

"Repentance is a quality choice that makes us change our mind to think towards sin as evil and towards God as good and righteous. The moment a unbeliever repents, he enters the Kingdom of God as its citizen and a newly born child of God. The moment a believer repents, he enters in to the banquet of the benefits and blessings of the Father's Kingdom as His very own son." — Abraham Israel

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"Jesus never promised streets of red carpet or rose beds to walk on this earth, instead pragmatically as He had already seen and faced constant troubles in His supernatural walk on earth as a human, He told his disciples who can only be a disciplined followers of Him to expect troubles in this world as it was ruled by the arch enemy Satan and his cohorts through their deceit over humans. But as He was victorious in His walk on earth, He knew that if we as His followers would just have faith in His walk and walk the talk on earth by faith believing with our whole heart that Jesus has already won the war for us, it would allow Jesus to defend us all in His time by stepping in to fight the battles of ours to overcome and make us all victorious just like how the Holy Spirit was victorious through Him over Satan and his minions while he walked on earth. So Jesus is again saying to us, I shook the earth when I walked upon it, be cheerful when you face troubles because now once again supernaturally I am going to shake the earth and overcome the evil element of Satan and his cohorts through you again and again and again for God's Glory! Soon Satan will be crushed under your feet my friend...says the Lord who is your friend who sticks closer to you than a Brother! Remember those who live by faith and crush Satan under their feet, Jesus promised not a temporary red carpet or bed of roses, but streets of gold to walk on in their permanent home in New Jerusalem!" — Abraham Israel

"All our disappointments can become a potential appointments of God, if we can start to praise God and not allow the situations around us to arrest us under its control. Praise turns the curse in to a blessing, a disappointment in to a Divine appointment, a weakness in to a supernatural strength, a fallen man in to a faithful man, etc... As we look to God let us trust God always to praise Him all the time and keep believing that as God's destiny direction pointers of disappointments come in to our life, surely it will unlock the potential to walk in God's favor over our lives. With God success is failure turned inside out!" — Abraham Israel

"When we lose consciousness of our self and are lost in the glorious consciousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that is when God gets most glorified in us and we get glorified in Him." — Abraham Israel

"A mind that is positive will always be faith filled mind. Keep you faith safe within, and renew your mind with God's promise when situations all around you cry out at you that it is useless for you to believe. Your faith is important to God, it makes you a winner at the end when no one else except God knows that you will succeed in the end because of your faith." — Abraham Israel

"God's pre-appointed time of our miracle is the most precious time to us because it has been planned by God before the foundation of the world, so waiting time is not a wasting time, but rather a time to thank God, praise God and give all the Glory to God till the miracle happens in His time." — Abraham Israel

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"God's plan may not be as we expected it to be, but it will excite us to satisfy us eternally when it makes us what it ought to be.Trust God's plan for your life even when it doesn't make sense to your mind, because great things are always felt by heart and experienced by faith." — Abraham Israel

"When we choose to stop our worries by giving all our thoughts of anxiety to God and trusting His word, God will choose to faithfully strengthen our faith which will cause us to worship God and give glory to Him. When we are at rest through our test, turning our worries in to worship, God steps in to our lives to wage battles that will be turned in to blessings. God has never lost a battle until now and He never will, and He has already won the war for you in Christ Jesus, all you need to do now is to stand in His name and see the enemies of God flee in all direction. Faith never fails because the God who is pleased with your faith is pleased with you and will fight your battles soon enough to give you victory in His appointed time!" — Abraham Israel

"When you breathe in slowly and are filled in the full with oxygen that God has supplied freely for you to live today, then whisper the name of God saying, "JE.....SUS....JESUS..." slowly, exhaling out, thanking and praising God from the thoughts of your heart for the beautiful moment of life that you are experiencing now by His gracious hand. Repeat this 5 or 6 times slowly and steadily. When you are done, just look around in awe and wonder! You are alive and well for the Glory of God! By doing this you have stopped a moment of life and have frozen it in the records of heaven for eternity ahead because God makes a note in the His-story books of heaven whenever His children thank and praise Him. Now that God has given you by His gracious hand of His Spirit, the breath to breathe and take a rest of faith in the name of Jesus, you have done well to stop a moment by ceasing to work and acknowledging that God is the one who sustains your breath and in Him you live, move and have your being. As you have just now stopped a moment, ceased from work to acknowledge that God's finished work of the cross is that which you are trusting and enjoying, look around you to see the Glory of God in all things, and remember that the whole earth is filled with the Glory of God right now, and Seraphim is standing above Him covering their face and feet, flying with two wings and crying out near God's Throne saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory....," as they continue to cease each moment with rest by the glory of God. What do you see? Glory of God or Gory of man! A mind that ceases to work and rest in God's finished work of Jesus, will look around and see the glory of God, to thus stop a moment in the name of God and enjoy it with a eternal remembrance!" — Abraham Israel

"Instead of 'Why Me God?, if you say 'Try Me God and I shall become valuable and precious in your sight as refined gold!', that will decide whether you will live in a desert or oasis of God. God has promised that those who trust Him, He will turn the desert in to a pool of water and the parched ground into flowing springs. In the midst of the darkened and spiritually dry desert of this world that we all live, only because of His unusual favor over our life we can be truly blessed in this life and reign with God in the life to come!" — Abraham Israel

"When you look afar, your heart might pound hard to know the details of what lies ahead when you are not able to clearly see through the mysteries of God at one time. Don't worry, God never meant seriously for you to understand that far ahead, but simply wanted you to see how much is visible and trust Him enough to hold His hand firm so that He could hold you firm even when your hand slips out of His hand. God has all His details for your life already planned out, and as a loving Father, He wants you to give you surprises newly every day of your walk with Him. As you walk ahead knowing that God's purposes for you never ever fails, remember to praise Him and thank Him for He knows and understand you that you are His master piece in progress, He is willing to wait enough to enjoy your failings, mistakes, rebellion, until one day you will be perfected when you stand before Him in which He would love to declare, "My good and faithful are my son in whom I am fully pleased!" God believes in you more than you can ever believe in yourself because He is your loving Father! Remember, the long-suffering of the Lord is Salvation." — Abraham Israel

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"God placed you in Christ, and Christ was placed in you by the Holy Spirit, and finally Christ placed you in the Holy Spirit and has put Him as your personal guide so that you can excel spiritually and eternally as Christ Himself did when He was on earth. You in Christ and Christ in you is the hope of all your glory now and forever!" — Abraham Israel

"The one thing that we need to do to prosper in Christ is to keep our mind focused on what Christ has done for us, by renewing our mind and refreshing it with the truth of God's finished work on the Cross. Once we do what we can by doing it, the flow of God's fresh life of His Spirit flows freely to keep us rejuvenated and keep growing in Him spiritually." — Abraham Israel

"All our disappointments in life can later be re-understood as a life turning appointments of God if we choose to trust God and live positively all the time knowing that there is something in life that only God can unravel in His time which will make us rejoice and live in His Divine Satisfaction for eternity ahead! Take the load of one day at a time or sufficient is the trouble that you face on a particular day of yours, as you face it keep your eyes on the love and goodness of God that sustains you and gives grace on that day in spite trouble that has come your way, the rest will come in to place as God will take care of the other things of your life which is very important to Him. Troubles of this life are God's way of saying to you, look on to me for I have answer for all your troubles!" — Abraham Israel

"Faith is when we trust God that all will work together for our good even when all things seem to say otherwise around us. Indeed God is good all the time, but for us who face troubles in our life, it is a chance to trust God or whine about it in unbelief to test God. When we pass the test of faith in our lives, there is no one more pleased than God our Father in heaven who loves to see us soar spiritually all the time. Our belief doesn't change God, but it changes the way we look at God as our unfailing friend who has only His best always for us within His favor, rather than a tester who gives reward when we pass our test. So learn to be happy all the time because God is good all the time and He is working constantly all things together for your good. Faith not only gives God the space to work on behalf of you in His pleasure, but it does keep you constantly in the favorable Presence of God that satisfies you and live the best life now!" — Abraham Israel

"Dreams or visions that God gives to us will stay fresh in our spirit to keep our faith active and victorious to the end. Dreams or what we call as nightmare which brings fear comes from the devil, and it will stay only for a time [day or a couple of days and will be no more] as our soul forgets, but if we allow the spirit of fear which has invaded us through the dream or nightmare to control us, devil and his cohorts will keep bringing the same old stuff again and again to refresh it in our soul and thus keep us in fear. Satan has no place in us or he cannot influence us consistently if we do not fear anything or anyone but only God to walk in faith. Satan or his minions cannot deceive us by dreams or nightmares unless we let our-self be deceived by fear or give them place in us through fear. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and of a sound brilliant mind to love God with all our heart and fear only Him." — Abraham Israel

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Apostolic Quotes

Å℘◎﹩☂øł☤ḉ ℚυ◎тℯṧ :

"To look to the positive things of life and be thankful to God by becoming insensitive to the negative things all around us needs courageous faith and praise, so that God rewards such faith by rewarding us with sensitivity to enjoy heaven from within and to bring that same heaven to the world around us to make it look better than ever before. When the way you see the world changes, the world around you changes for the collective good of them who believe God like you do." — Abraham Israel

"You can only rise as high as your positive thoughts in life." — Abraham Israel

"Positive thinkers can never become negative doers in their day to day life. As much freely as water flows through the channel of river without effort, so will be the life of a positive thinker towards their destined action.Think positive and live positive!" — Abraham Israel

"One more day of His grace upon grace, adds a thousand song to the harmony of His grace in your life. God never looks back to regret anything in your life, because to Him your future is the past that He sees now in the present for you through His grace!" — Abraham Israel

"God shines His light every morning out of darkness, to me that shows how God wants us to continue to shine as His dear children once again each new day in this dark and depressive world. Don't curse darkness, instead light a candle and darkness will automatically flee." — Abraham Israel

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